The evils of being


Well-Known Member
If they knew what to demand, it would simply be that government is neither mother nor father, while it is the duty of citizens to be adults."
so we come 'round to personal responsibility again, the boon of those willing to strive for excellence and the bane of the welfare state.


New Member
it does indeed, because that is exactly what it is. not the forced socialist totalitarianism so adored by the new left, but a natural idealistic communalism that springs from an advanced ethical outlook. the individual need not be destroyed to arrive at such an attitude, but that individual's charitable nature must expand to encompass the whole of humanity. it is an utopian ideal that, though it may seem nothing more than a foolish daydream now, we should all hope mankind may some day attain.

Not I. It's like saying, hopefully, one day, dogs will become cats. We are Human, no more, no less. Eating, shitting, breathing, Humans. If we can stay free long enough to evolve beyond this, then Utopia is a fine idea.
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New Member
Oh, I agree undertheice ... and so do the well intentioned but misled folks like Med. Where we part company with the likes of Med, is that we (You, cc, I and others on the site) understand that human nature being what it is, in order to achieve that Paradise on earth, Man's will would have to be bent. And ... the only thing to bend that will is force. I'm sure that all who are watching the Olympics are struck with the Chinese devotion and discipline. They've made some major advancements in that country. But ... isn't it interesting that there still hangs on his tomb a huge portrait of Mao for all to see? A portrait of a man that was responsible for over 60 million murders of his own countrymen in time of peace?

Is it possible that Eden on earth for the Progressives would be 300,000,000 America automatons?


PS: I find it interesting that those so indoctrinated on the left, such as Med, just will not understand in spite of a bloody history where it is that their "religion" leads to.


New Member
Upon further consideration, IMO, Utopia would be inhabited by a merry band of hermaphroditic, lightly bronzed, beings.
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Well-Known Member
If we can stay free long enough to evolve beyond this, then Utopia is a fine idea.
that is precisely the point. without the freedom to change, humanity can never hope to evolve beyond this primitive excuse for morality. if it takes a thousand years or ten thousand, what does it matter in the grand scheme. you and i will never live long enough to see such things, but that doesn't mean that we should not recognize the path to such dreams and attempt to follow it.


New Member
On the same note, if this idealistic communalism comes before it's time, before Humans are truly unaffected by the pulls of self preservation, we will surely destroy this race before winning the race, to Utopia. Slow and steady......better to finish last than to never finish at all, yada yada.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
humanity can never hope to evolve beyond this primitive excuse for morality.................................................... but that doesn't mean that we should not recognize the path to such dreams and attempt to follow it.
What do you hope we evolve into?

And what "path to such dreams" are you talking about? Whos path, and what are the ultimate goals of this path?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
I re-read the exchange and see the cyclical nature of the subject. In the final analysis, there is really only one question I see? Is LIFE, human or otherwise, ever able to truly become harmonious with other LIFE; or, at the moment of harmony, is LIFE extinguished? In other words, what is LIFE, or, is there a God?:joint:

"Western Atheism" by James Thrower is a great book. Not specifically about atheists, as much as it is about the human dialogue regarding the topic, "Is there a God? Why not? How come?".


Well-Known Member
Med has never answered me, in spite of the numerous times I've asked the question, as to how many people he's personally taken into his household and cared for. As for this Libertarian, it's been 15 people and at least $40,000 of my own money, not including all my time going to court for them and whatnot. But then again, I do it because I'm superior. I certainly wouldn't do it because it's the right thing to do. ;) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well... im kinda confused and dont quite understand what youre getting at, but ill throw my 2 cents in anyways.

To me, i would say its the exact opposite. The idea of freedom, to the poor, is all they have. Freedom from this evil ass system, freedom from the constraints of this world, freedom from the chains of poverty.
Hey, I dig that thought. :)
"surprise, surprise, surprise", says the voice of gomer pyle from deep beneath the permafrost.

we agree at last, at least in part. my question to you is - how can a species evolve to such a point if they are not free to change on their own? do you propose to force such a change under the thumb of totalitarian measures? you advocate socialist controls in one of the freest nations on earth, then voice a desire for voluntary communalism. can't you see that the former makes the latter almost impossible?


New Member
Med has never answered me, in spite of the numerous times I've asked the question, as to how many people he's personally taken into his household and cared for. As for this Libertarian, it's been 15 people and at least $40,000 of my own money, not including all my time going to court for them and whatnot. But then again, I do it because I'm superior. I certainly wouldn't do it because it's the right thing to do. ;) :lol:
I don't put my charity on display, but suffice it to say I do my share. I can't believe you are trying to have a charity contest. Paint me as you see fit. I have some opinions about you and your illustrious wife also, but you'll not get me into a pissing contest over charity. How childish.
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New Member
Well, I got plenty of responses with this post. I guess I'm more of a dreamer than most. I think a place where everyone cared about everyone and there were no wars, no poverty, no avarice, no jealousy, no greed, Etc. would be wonderful, Obviously it aint gonna happen in quite a while. Carl Marx said it would be at least 100 years before man had evolved enough for true communism to work, well it's been 60+ years and there aint much difference now from then. I'm thinking maybe a thousand years and then if we havent annihilated the human race, maybe some reason will appear. If people would just follow the ten commandments, what a wonderful place this would be. And, lest we forget, "Love thy neighbor as thyself". Not saying I can do this, but saying these things should be done. Meanwhile, back in reality, "There shall be wars and rumors of wars".


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, back in reality, "There shall be wars and rumors of wars".
Everyone would love to live in an idealistic world, but thats not going to happen when there is more demand for goods than supply.. The poorer people will herd into the ghettos and their kids will be inundated on tips on how to be a gangster and hustle.

Speaking about war....... Huhh.... War...What it is a good for?............... Absolutely....______ (fill in the blank MM :mrgreen:) YouTube - War What is it good for absolutely nothing!

HAHA :lol: Did you hear about how Russia is seemingly invading Georgia? Its going to get "interesting"(:?) fast! Russia and Iran are buddies! Anyone have an underground house that I can rent out?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
I don't put my charity on display, but suffice it to say I do my share. I can't believe you are trying to have a charity contest. Paint me as you see fit. I have some opinions about you and your illustrious wife also, but you'll not get me into a pissing contest over charity. How childish.
In other words, you've got nothing. You've never once even intimated that you've helped out others than "I've done my part." I however have offered credible evidence. Go ahead and search El Dorado County records on James Francis Dixon. He was one step from serving time and I was recognized by the court as his caregiver. That's just one example.

On the other hand, I suppose you could offer up getting your SIL a job plucking chickens for minimum wage at a chicken farm. Is that the caliber of jobs that your "friends in high places" dole out to their lackeys? :lol:

Either that, or that's all your SIL is worth. :lol:

You've got nothing...You're a bitter old man who's life is run by his wife. I suppose you can only get online once your wife goes to work and earns the real money. Don't think anyone's noticed? And you're never online in the evenings. Why is that? Your wife cut you off from your computer privileges? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you are trying to have a charity contest....How childish.
When I read some of the replies to threads here on this site, I think the human race is a pile of crap. I read and see things on TV that just rip my heart out, and on this site all I hear is, what about me and my freedoms? If you are starving, then freedom doesn't mean dick....
You started it asswipe. Jesus....grow a brain old man. :roll:

Dance Thumbelina. :lol:


Well-Known Member
<Dave sticks the knife in and twists with a wry grin>

Ya know Med? My son is a 2nd Class Radiographer with a promising career in non-destructive testing for Dams, Reactors, structures, and whatnot....

Your daughter on the other hand is married to a chicken plucker. :lol:

Maybe he can aspire to skimming the float pool one of these days...:lol: