I always love sitting back and watching and listening to Texans make an ass of them selves. Most arrogant and snobbish think they're better than everyone else people I have ever met... and yes I have met pretty much anyone from every state...( the Army is very diverse) ..and Texans are assholes.

Except Austin, Austin is cool. There's also a college town not too far from here, the people are cool as hell. Bunch of old hippies and artists and people like that.
I always love sitting back and watching and listening to Texans make an ass of them selves. Most arrogant and snobbish think they're better than everyone else people I have ever met... and yes I have met pretty much anyone from every state...( the Army is very diverse) ..and Texans are assholes.
You didn't meet MY texan. He was lovely, and a very sweet older man. Taller than shit too - and I have a pretty good feeling he was richer than tits.

That usually makes a person pretty nice and happy.

Also - CAMMAN, like you wouldn't be nice to THIS FACE:

Photo on 2015-06-18 at 11.33 AM.jpg

Or maybe he was just being nice to the boobs? Either way - every one I have met has been nice as a box of kittens!
You didn't meet MY texan. He was lovely, and a very sweet older man. Taller than shit too - and I have a pretty good feeling he was richer than tits.

That usually makes a person pretty nice and happy.

Also - CAMMAN, like you wouldn't be nice to THIS FACE:

View attachment 3449027

Or maybe he was just being nice to the boobs? Either way - every one I have met has been nice as a box of kittens!

YOu had some Maxillofacial surgeury didnt you
YOu had some Maxiofacial surgeury didnt you
Is that something to do with a maxi pad?

Yup - my septum was crushed a couple years ago with a softball. That fucker was crushed into 5 pieces. The doctor removed 2, and sewed the other 3 back together with plastic, and then took the plastic out a week after.

It was a fun time. hahaha

You have a good eye!

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I have prettier eyes
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Me too. Don't throw anything at me because I sure as hell won't catch it, not with my hands anyway.
Im real good at catching things with my FACE.


Yeah, I stick to yoga, and zumba, aqua fit - running.

I can't throw things, catch things, or hit things with other things.

So NO SPORTS. hahaha