Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread


Well-Known Member
Right on, I am trying to germ some cherry puff seeds, but so far 4/6 are duds. I haven't had a seed not pop in ages, what's the deal with gage green? Have you grown their stuff out? Seems these seeds are pretty underdeveloped, white/airy :(


Well-Known Member
Right on, I am trying to germ some cherry puff seeds, but so far 4/6 are duds. I haven't had a seed not pop in ages, what's the deal with gage green? Have you grown their stuff out? Seems these seeds are pretty underdeveloped, white/airy :(
Hay man were are they from? Gig or COF? I sent gigs a but load of seeds and some were some s1? Seeds from when I moved them mid flower. They were just to help him because he had to start over not to be anything special. COF has my cherry puff mom so he could have made seeds too.
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Well-Known Member
Right on, I got them from Oldman, maybe they are s1, I didn't think to ask :p I bet you're right, probably not the breeder seeds, they're wicked small heh. M hoping I can get 1 to pop because cherry puff looks killer!


Well-Known Member
Right on, I got them from Oldman, maybe they are s1, I didn't think to ask :p I bet you're right, probably not the breeder seeds, they're wicked small heh. M hoping I can get 1 to pop because cherry puff looks killer!
Yea he got them from gigs then. The ones labeled SW 5 should come out nice though. I would not sweat the cherry puff. Not missing a whole lot IMO.


Well-Known Member
Right on man, so it's a swamp wreck 5 unknown cross? I'll pop a couple over the weekend fo sho.
Cool bro I have a pick of one on my thread DC grew I think is the same beans.

Papa how big are your pots? I just dug my first hole and will be 3 ft x 3 ft for 21.2 ft of soil. Then they will have the surrounding native soil to root as well.


Well-Known Member
I managed to fuck up my ankle so will be cutting down on my pics for a few days.

The plants are doing awesome. super cropped the cherry pie gorilla glue down pretty hard. Definitely going to bush the fuck out now!

The cheese and gogi are blowing the fuck up. Another week and they will be into the roof lol. Im going to need a damn hedge trimmer here soon! Also going to pick up a good load of cinder blocks, and get the legs a big higher, and more sturdy set up.


Well-Known Member
Right on man. I got 2 cherry puff to sprout after throwing the rest in to germ. I guess they are all selfed seeds from a herm fest but I'm gonna still give them a try. Just gotta pick some root plugs up and I'll sprout some sw5 this week and see what happens 8-)

Cool bro I have a pick of one on my thread DC grew I think is the same beans.
I managed to fuck up my ankle so will be cutting down on my pics for a few days.
That sucks man, hope it heals quick!


Well-Known Member
Right on man. I got 2 cherry puff to sprout after throwing the rest in to germ. I guess they are all selfed seeds from a herm fest but I'm gonna still give them a try. Just gotta pick some root plugs up and I'll sprout some sw5 this week and see what happens 8-)

That sucks man, hope it heals quick!
thanks man, me to.


Well-Known Member
took a couple of measurements of the plants while out there measuring the pots for dr.d81. on sheer numbers, the cheese surprise is the biggest. 43 inches tall, 58 inches wide with a 4 inch stem, to be fair the next 3 biggest are only slightly smaller. They are really responding nicely to supercropping, and bushing out nicely.


Well-Known Member
Man I told you about that Cheese Surprise. ;)

Here is a Cheese Surprise cross that DST sent me. :) Cheese Bukakke. It should be a sick ass cross.
Cheese Surprise Female (So far my favorite Cheese Cross)

Blue pit male (I hear great things about Blue Pit. I have some beans but have yet to grow it out)

Fireball male (You know I love me some Fireball)

Dog bx2 male(Dog is probably my favorite BB Strain and the most popular with my friends.)
2015-06-30 07.06.03.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea i am actually smoking some dog kush right now! my gf and i both love it. The one outdoor is doing awesome, I keep supercropping it, but the next day it just shoots back up and knuckles up the spot it was bent at.

I am looking forward to seeing how cheese finishes, the other pheno I have in flower now to, already stinks to high heaven.

That cheese cross sounds awesome!! I have heard good things about blue pit, and all the pics i have seen of it have been greasy as fuck looking.


Well-Known Member
its mulch, albeit some wood bark mulch would be more effective, but yes, lowers root temp, prevents evaporation of surface water, and makes them drink less due to less waste.