I Want Some HONEY!!!!

I have seen that hive early this year. if it aint too pricey I plan to get one. I get our local honey for 8 bucks a quart and bee pollen for 10 bucks a oz. I use both in my protein drinks.
Oops again.

I saw it this time.

Cute picture. Not a lot of honey in it. Maybe you subconsciously thought the photo is "the bees knees" and thats why the robot in your phone keeps posting it?

I got nothing. The smart phone robots have a mind of their own sometimes...

Wrong picture again! I'll just wait until I get home, lol. It was just the cover of the Ohio Players album entitled "Honey". Google it, since I'm apparently too stupid to post it from my phone.
I've got my 5000th post coming up so I'll save a big dollop for you:)

I saw it!

Didn't get a chance to congratulate you earlier...here you go...
