How much do you smoke a day?

Depends on what i have. Some days i just dont smoke, other days im smoking my brains out=1/8 a day is usually max in a 24 hour period.
Jeez, an 8th max in 24 hours? You must just be right chooched all day.
From 16-22 i'd smoke anything that resembled cannabis. 22-35 i'd prefer headies but would smoke beasters if i had to. 35-present i go outa my way to make sure if im gonna combust the lungs i do it with QUALITY medicine.
From 16-22 i'd smoke anything that resembled cannabis. 22-35 i'd prefer headies but would smoke beasters if i had to. 35-present i go outa my way to make sure if im gonna combust the lungs i do it with QUALITY medicine.
Well i'm 19 right now, I don't like drinking and I hate smoking anything but weed. But we'll see what my young undesicive mind chooses next.
Smoked a qp to half lb a week with my ex wife for many years. Or a blunt every couple hrs for a decade or so..

I moved on to coke zannies and pain pills though. Now i just smoke like 4-5 grams a day
Used to go through an ounce a week, smoking basically by myself. Now I've been smoking quite less, homegrown, high quality and even some mids are getting me fucking sleepy, but I don't feel like the tolerance is dropping, just that instead of getting fucked up I'm getting straight to the sleeping part.
Smoked a qp to half lb a week with my ex wife for many years. Or a blunt every couple hrs for a decade or so..

I moved on to coke zannies and pain pills though. Now i just smoke like 4-5 grams a day
watson820.jpg with them i can smoke till i puke. Without i smoke and passout!