Attitude seeds to Australia

anyone had any issues with attitude ignoring delivery instructions/emails? I asked them to send my order in unregistered post, only to get an email with a tracking number, when i sent them an email asking wtf was going on I didnt get a reply. pretty sure qld customs has my order now :(
anyone had any issues with attitude ignoring delivery instructions/emails? I asked them to send my order in unregistered post, only to get an email with a tracking number, when i sent them an email asking wtf was going on I didnt get a reply. pretty sure qld customs has my order now :(

Fuck that, sorry mate but you'd be lucky to get it if registered... Was gonna place an order from attitude cos of all the freebies but they seem dodgy at times.. Hear of people getting all different seeds in 1 pack supposedly in breeders pack and turning out all different lol.. Fuck that!
Yes , they've done it too me numerous occasions, they wont send the good freebies on the resend or they ll be dodgy ceeds..and you won't get the shirt or bag paid for..
Really pains me because I end up having too wait 2 or 3 months for an order
wow i had no idea that they were such a dodgy company ( i should of done my research more thoroughly).....sounds like doing a chargeback is the best option now...
Hey all, sorry to bump an old thread! But I'm wondering if there's still rumors about of workers stealing freight in QLD?

I've tried on 3 separate occasions to get beans from Herbies into QLD with nothing :( No letter from customs either... That's why I'm thinking they were stolen. Unless they don't send those letters anymore? I'm still waiting on my third order before I ask for a resend but I'm not real hopeful!

I'm really keen to get some in, I REALLY want some autos!
Hey all, sorry to bump an old thread! But I'm wondering if there's still rumors about of workers stealing freight in QLD?

I've tried on 3 separate occasions to get beans from Herbies into QLD with nothing :( No letter from customs either... That's why I'm thinking they were stolen. Unless they don't send those letters anymore? I'm still waiting on my third order before I ask for a resend but I'm not real hopeful!

I'm really keen to get some in, I REALLY want some autos!
The postal workers aren't stealing them, they are just onto the packages that contain them and they get handed to customs and they take them. Customs and the postal service in QLD are super vigilant with what comes in so they scan the majority of packages. Plain, unmarked envelopes that fit in a letterbox are the only real way to get them 90% of the time IMHO.
Lmfao u r all noob
The postal workers aren't stealing them, they are just onto the packages that contain them and they get handed to customs and they take them. Customs and the postal service in QLD are super vigilant with what comes in so they scan the majority of packages. Plain, unmarked envelopes that fit in a letterbox are the only real way to get them 90% of the time IMHO.
I've had many order into qld u do not get tracking
Order through bonzaseeds
Or demonseeds
Hey all, sorry to bump an old thread! But I'm wondering if there's still rumors about of workers stealing freight in QLD?

I've tried on 3 separate occasions to get beans from Herbies into QLD with nothing :( No letter from customs either... That's why I'm thinking they were stolen. Unless they don't send those letters anymore? I'm still waiting on my third order before I ask for a resend but I'm not real hopeful!

I'm really keen to get some in, I REALLY want some autos!
Use bonzaseeds
Or attitude I've had 100% success rate do not pick the tracking option for bonza use there cheapest mailing option with stealth
The postal workers aren't stealing them, they are just onto the packages that contain them and they get handed to customs and they take them. Customs and the postal service in QLD are super vigilant with what comes in so they scan the majority of packages. Plain, unmarked envelopes that fit in a letterbox are the only real way to get them 90% of the time IMHO.
good old qld police state up to its usual tricks, i remember 35yrs ago the fine was $10 per seed if caught, imagine if you had 5000 beans? got caught with 2 grams of weed & they thought they had a hardcore crim with 20kg of smack, daytrippers the lot of them..:cuss:
So do customs not send the letters anymore?

Just thought it was strange when my beans haven't arrived and I didn't get a notice or anything?

I think the 'Buddy' option from Bonza looks like the go, no way that can be traced to me.
good old qld police state up to its usual tricks, i remember 35yrs ago the fine was $10 per seed if caught, imagine if you had 5000 beans? got caught with 2 grams of weed & they thought they had a hardcore crim with 20kg of smack, daytrippers the lot of them..:cuss:

Ha ha yeah man I remember the $10 fines per seed lol, crazy!
QLD (mainly Brisbane) isn't anywhere near as busy as Sydney when it comes to mail so they can scan a lot more packages. This us why I say normal untracked mail that fits in a letterbox as it doesn't generally get scanned :)
So do customs not send the letters anymore?

Just thought it was strange when my beans haven't arrived and I didn't get a notice or anything?

I think the 'Buddy' option from Bonza looks like the go, no way that can be traced to me.

I'm not sure if they do any more. I've had mates lose their packages and they just don't arrive, no letter or anything. But a couple if times they have received them...but they were large orders. So I'm not sure if they would for a smaller order.
I'm not sure if they do any more. I've had mates lose their packages and they just don't arrive, no letter or anything. But a couple if times they have received them...but they were large orders. So I'm not sure if they would for a smaller order.

Great, thanks for that!
I'll see how Bonza goes.