Americans will start being microchipped in 3 years


Well-Known Member
I've done it with a .38 before....Depends on what your aiming for...
Gotta aim center mass at an American. Or the head. Just hope to stop 'em.

If it's a canadien you could prob pull off a .22 or .38 or 9mm aimed at their feet or extremities. Just look closely at penis size to tell American from canadien. They're also probably wearing winter boots or a silly hat.


Well-Known Member
Do they walk silly too, or is that just the Brit's ?
Only in Newfoundland...but that may be due to the alcohol consumption (they are #1 in Canada). They also like to fuck, a lot (more than the Quebecois, even).
AND their clock is off by a 1/2 hour!
They are rebels... One of the most important apps on my old Blackberry tablet (yeah, I had one) was a Newfie Translator.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Baby bongwater brings this on himself. He starts shit, then he gets rattled by the blowback and starts digging his holes, more blowback and he loses his "intellect" by spewing. At the same time he then feels sorry for himself. No introspection, no causal analysis. The great ones are when he is so self pitying he makes borderline suicidal comments.
nah i just realized there's no point to explain anything about myself to bunch of a strangers like y'all, if i said the most intelligent thing someone could possible say right now you'd all still say theres something wrong wit it. peace, i'm going to go do something productive in real life what actually matters


Well-Known Member
nah i just realized there's no point to explain anything about myself to bunch of a strangers like y'all, if i said the most intelligent thing someone could possible say right now you'd all still say theres something wrong wit it. peace, i'm going to go do something productive in real life what actually matters
That's the smartest thing you've ever said!!

Now apologize to these men for saying the "F" word and maybe they can move on too?

You are correct dear, this really doesn't matter in the long and the short of it all.


Well-Known Member
there are lessons to be learned, about Americans being microchipped in three years. that's valuable knowledge
I'm commin to get ya abe! Within three years time...

Apparently us Canadiens are going to do it...cause we have wee little penis's and that makes us good at math and science. Or Big Trucks and Little Peens? I can never remember how that goes...



Well-Known Member
nah i just realized there's no point to explain anything about myself to bunch of a strangers like y'all, if i said the most intelligent thing someone could possible say right now you'd all still say theres something wrong wit it. peace, i'm going to go do something productive in real life what actually matters
This is the great anticipated response??? Is it because we're all dumber than you, is that it? You're too evolved for us? I'm sorta let down