Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Thats why all my porn stays on the celly.. never had any issues

Thats why i stopped messing with computers in general..plus everything i need is on my phone


Well-Known Member
i think some vaccines are good, but the rest are fucked....man i have a friend who is parazlyed now cause of a flu shot ..
Well if u want ur kids to go to school here, now u dont have a choice. I dont trust vaccines but thats not really the issue imo. What just happened is another american "right" has just been taken from us. Some ppl dont even see it


Staff member
Well if u want ur kids to go to school here, now u dont have a choice. I dont trust vaccines but thats not really the issue imo. What just happened is another american "right" has just been taken from us. Some ppl dont even see it
yup exactly,
i have my first vaccinces, from birth -1 year but nothing after that, i rarely get sicks, and im very healthy...
the thing is people think vaccines IMMUNIZE people from it but they dont....even the kids who get the vaccine get it and spread it


Well-Known Member
yup exactly,
i have my first vaccinces, from birth -1 year but nothing after that, i rarely get sicks, and im very healthy...
the thing is people think vaccines IMMUNIZE people from it but they dont....even the kids who get the vaccine get it and spread it
real talk. im not a chemist or a doctor. i dont know whats in that shit. as far as i know it causes autism, cancer and herpes and everything else. i dont care what research "says" im not the one doin the research so im supposed to just take ur word for whats in it and what it does? cause u know, america is just the pillar of truth. so glad i think im not havin anymore kids


Staff member
real talk. im not a chemist or a doctor. i dont know whats in that shit. as far as i know it causes autism, cancer and herpes and everything else. i dont care what research "says" im not the one doin the research so im supposed to just take ur word for whats in it and what it does? cause u know, america is just the pillar of truth. so glad i think im not havin anymore kids
ya makes me real happy to be moving there :roll: the buildings are nice tho ... so far my interaction with americans have been real nice

but to be frank

if i hear god bless one more fucking time i might turn religious


Well-Known Member
ya makes me real happy to be moving there :roll: the buildings are nice tho ... so far my interaction with americans have been real nice

but to be frank

if i hear god bless one more fucking time i might turn religious
oh dont worry. theyre doin a damn good job kickin God out of this country. sayin God bless will be illegal soon im sure.


Well-Known Member
I for one fully advocate vaccines.

Also i have that damn pain pilly mouth. No spit, tast like ive been licking the palm of my hand, mildly similar to apap but opiates are a little less sharp still quite bitter.

But i like munching on opium


Staff member
I for one fully advocate vaccines.

Also i have that damn pain pilly mouth. No spit, tast like ive been licking the palm of my hand, mildly similar to apap but opiates are a little less sharp still quite bitter.

But i like munching on opium
i know a friend who got a flu shot, shes paralyzed now... pretty sad man