does anybody know what this is???


Well-Known Member
its a marijuana plant...if your asking for strain, theres no way to tell...that im aware of.


you were asking about the curled leaves and brown spots...

nute burn or over watered...or bulb burn.

Given that ive only seen pics of 2 of the 3(seen overwater) i cant really say but those are my 3 tops guesses.


Well-Known Member
i guess it could be heat stress, but i am thinking it could possibly be low humidity, low humidity can cause phosphorus deficencies


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply guys!
the only thing that it could be is over watering if so what should i do?
here are some updated pics its looks really bad do you think she will recover?



Well-Known Member
well it is not over watering. and if your humidity isnt low then i would go with heat stress or your ph is off. what is the ph of your water? nuted water? and soil drainage? what nutes are you using and at what dose or ppms? what type of light and how close to the plants? what is the temps and relative humidity? answer these simple questions and i am sure we will find the answer


Well-Known Member
well it is not over watering. and if your humidity isnt low then i would go with heat stress or your ph is off. what is the ph of your water? nuted water? and soil drainage? what nutes are you using and at what dose or ppms? what type of light and how close to the plants? what is the temps and relative humidity? answer these simple questions and i am sure we will find the answer
the humidity is 56%.
the temp. in my room is 75.
my ph is a prob cuz i cant get it to stay steady it was low at 5.5 then i added ph up and it went to 7.5 - 8.0 and this is what it at now but i just watered it so i wont be able to change the ph for a couple days!
do you think i should repot it asap?


Well-Known Member
i nute burned a while ago so i dont i havent messed wit dem in a couple weeks but i was using biobuzz! and as for the light im using a 400watt hps that hangs 22inches above the plant!


Well-Known Member
i would flush today to get the ph correct, make a few gallons { per plant } of water ph'd to 6.8 and slowly pour the water in until the drainage reads 6.8. When your ph was 5.5 some of the nutes were not getting absorbed correctly and it goes the same when your ph is to high. you need to get ph correct immeadiately. letting them sit in bad ph'd soil for a few more days is a bad idea, flush let soil dry and then add a small dose of nuted ph'd water.


Well-Known Member
well i repotted them in ocean forest foxfarm dirt that has a ph of 6.5 and then gave them some bottled water. i need to get a ph kit cuz im using this one and its shit
any suggestions on any electric ph meters that are relativly cheap?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
that was my first thought too, and it probably is caused by his ph imbalances. First i thought it was caused by low humidity but it is ph


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn for sure. Flush them with 1/4 streangth nutrient solution. You dont want to flush all the nutes outor it will get deficiant way eary and begin ti yellow.Thats why a reccomend flushing with a mild nute solution.Flush with 3 times as much water as the pot size. ex. 3 gal pot flush with the pot with 9 galons of water. good luck.Your eat and humidity is fine and pot plants can handle small fluctuations of ph, your in the right range. that why I say its the nutes
good luck


Well-Known Member
Hold the bus!!! Don't do anything yet!

You appear to be in the exact same boat I was in 3 weeks ago. Those babies look exactly like mine did. I now have 2 out of 6 left.
Did this start when you went 12/12? Mine were fine during vegging, but had started to show the same signs. I then went to 12/12, and things went downhill from there. Did you flush? DONT DO IT!! Try to wait until they need water, then flush. Is your soil too comact?
I have come to the conclusion that I made several mistakes. First, when I mixed my soil, I put too much vermiculite in, and the soil itself was retaining too much water. I used 4 gal buckets for grow pots, and drilled holes for drainage. I believe that my pot drainage was adequate, but I am going larger holes and more of them next time.
I checked the pH, and it was high, so I buffered my nute solution, flushed the plants well, and then watered with the buffered nute solution. The problem went from bad to worse. 2 out of 4 went completely limp. (Overwater) I pulled up one that i didnt beleive was gonna come back, but the 2nd one now appears to be making a comeback.
I was on several different sites, taking advice from several different people. These guys here know their shit. But take a step back and figure out what you did.
My lights were at least 22 in from the plant tops when they were looking like yours. Conditions in my room were identical to yours. Temps, pH, circulation etc. So i am thinking the roots were too compacted, and coupled with the watering/flushing started the downhill cycle. If the soil is wet or damp I'd let them dry out a bit. If its dry, THEN water or flush if you want. I have given up on the flushing thing. That would be a last ditch resort for me.
But then, I am doing a good job of fucking up my first grow. There are others here who know WAY more than me. But its easy to get confused by all the different diagnosis/remedies, especially when some symptoms are common to entirely different problems.


Well-Known Member
peace for all the help for real! it is definetly a ph issue. i flushed all the plants allot and then let them dry and i repotted them in ocean forest dirt and and watered nicely so the ph should be correct! so im gonna go ahead and buy a little electric ph meter from ebay so that i can keep a close eye on my ph! do you think she will recover ok though she looks really fucked up!?