Johnny Weedseedball with Drones


Well-Known Member
While watching videos about perma culture I came across another video about something called seedballs or seedbombs. Basically, it's the idea of a low effort passive farming technique where seeds can be casually scattered. If the seeds are just scattered on their own, there is a high likelihood they will be eaten by insects or birds before they can germinate and take root. A seedball helps prevent this by encapsulating the seed in a mixture of dirt and red clay. When a good hard rain occurs, the seedball dissolves and the growing begins.

Of course an optimum outdoor grow would involve soil prep, watering, nutrients, etc. but that also substantially increases the risk. After many years of studying all I could about growing the herb on here, my living circumstances did not allow me to actually apply any of this knowledge. Still, I had dreams of one day having a beautiful crop of my own. Later I discovered videos about permaculture, eating the healthiest food grown myself using farming techniques working in harmony with nature.

Another hobby of mine is drones and other DIY tech. Having heard the old stories of people trying to "overgrow the government" I had the idea of combining all these things with the highest probability of success. The quality of the crop itself would be secondary to proving this as a successful technique. With drones being used in warfare to kill people, there would be some happy irony by using them to spread a plant of peace.

The Plan:

Using google maps to scout optimal locations, the drone would then be used to fly over to get a better view of the conditions. I'm thinking riverbanks, river islands, and other locations that would be difficult to access. This drone would be plane type design with a mechanism to release a payload. The advantage to this is that they are pretty fast (50-100 mph) so they could be in and out within minutes. You find a bunch of promising looking locations using Google earth, grab a few hundred seedballs and load up. This drone will be equipped with GPS as well as a remote camera to fly FPV style. When you get over your first location, bombs away! Rinse and repeat for different nearby locations until you run out. A few weeks later you would then use the drone to monitor progress of any successful new plants. One pass outta do it as you could later analyze the HD video frame by frame. These drone can be flown 2-3 miles away giving you a nice safe distance. The seedballs could be also mixed with other complimentary plant seeds in a permaculture type manner. I think if this could work at all, any positive results, that'd be pretty epic. I remember reading an article of how they authorities used to make a big show of eradicating crappy ditchweed via helicopters. In a testament to their brilliance, as the big net of plants was airlifted, the vibrations and helicopter wash would dislodge and scatter the seeds all along the flight path. Many of these seeds would take root and grow despite their best efforts to stop it.


Well-Known Member
That is interesting. So, the idea is to send a drone to scout promising, secluded grow spots and dump seeds there to see if anything develops. If anything starts to look promising, you then go to said locations yourself to tend the plants. It may save a lot of time to scout that way, once I found good spots I'd probably just get there myself to plant. If you could hook up an automatic gun and/or a flamethrower to your drone, you could potentially find grows already in progress, murder the competition, and claim their grow as your own. Or if you're too squeamish for murder, wait til near harvest time and paint a police logo on the side of the drone along with a loudspeaker, 'THIS IS THE POLICE, FUCKTARDS! WE'VE FOUND YOU AND GROUND TROOPS ARE MOVING IN, STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!' Watch 'em scatter and you'd have plenty of time to get there with some friends and take all their plants. Just seems easier that way...


Well-Known Member
While watching videos about perma culture I came across another video about something called seedballs or seedbombs. Basically, it's the idea of a low effort passive farming technique where seeds can be casually scattered. If the seeds are just scattered on their own, there is a high likelihood they will be eaten by insects or birds before they can germinate and take root. A seedball helps prevent this by encapsulating the seed in a mixture of dirt and red clay. When a good hard rain occurs, the seedball dissolves and the growing begins.

Of course an optimum outdoor grow would involve soil prep, watering, nutrients, etc. but that also substantially increases the risk. After many years of studying all I could about growing the herb on here, my living circumstances did not allow me to actually apply any of this knowledge. Still, I had dreams of one day having a beautiful crop of my own. Later I discovered videos about permaculture, eating the healthiest food grown myself using farming techniques working in harmony with nature.

Another hobby of mine is drones and other DIY tech. Having heard the old stories of people trying to "overgrow the government" I had the idea of combining all these things with the highest probability of success. The quality of the crop itself would be secondary to proving this as a successful technique. With drones being used in warfare to kill people, there would be some happy irony by using them to spread a plant of peace.

The Plan:

Using google maps to scout optimal locations, the drone would then be used to fly over to get a better view of the conditions. I'm thinking riverbanks, river islands, and other locations that would be difficult to access. This drone would be plane type design with a mechanism to release a payload. The advantage to this is that they are pretty fast (50-100 mph) so they could be in and out within minutes. You find a bunch of promising looking locations using Google earth, grab a few hundred seedballs and load up. This drone will be equipped with GPS as well as a remote camera to fly FPV style. When you get over your first location, bombs away! Rinse and repeat for different nearby locations until you run out. A few weeks later you would then use the drone to monitor progress of any successful new plants. One pass outta do it as you could later analyze the HD video frame by frame. These drone can be flown 2-3 miles away giving you a nice safe distance. The seedballs could be also mixed with other complimentary plant seeds in a permaculture type manner. I think if this could work at all, any positive results, that'd be pretty epic. I remember reading an article of how they authorities used to make a big show of eradicating crappy ditchweed via helicopters. In a testament to their brilliance, as the big net of plants was airlifted, the vibrations and helicopter wash would dislodge and scatter the seeds all along the flight path. Many of these seeds would take root and grow despite their best efforts to stop it.
The flaw I see in the weedball is that after it rains and washes all the dirt/clay off and its exposed....the birds come out after it rains because they know they have a better chance to find the seeds will get chomped too


Well-Known Member
I tried this 2 years ago with a crap load of bag seed that was given to me. Made a bunch of earthworm casting balls, threw them onto the cliff at my buddies ocean front house..never saw one plant come up..coulda been bad seeds, poor soil, the ocean atmosphere..IDK..didn't work for me.


Well-Known Member
I tried this 2 years ago with a crap load of bag seed that was given to me. Made a bunch of earthworm casting balls, threw them onto the cliff at my buddies ocean front house..never saw one plant come up..coulda been bad seeds, poor soil, the ocean atmosphere..IDK..didn't work for me.
It only works when you arnt trying lol
I apparently dropped a seed once near my pathway to the backdoor... no idea what it was...we called it sidewalk indica:P


Well-Known Member
It only works when you arnt trying lol
I apparently dropped a seed once near my pathway to the backdoor... no idea what it was...we called it sidewalk indica:P
My buddy sent me a pic from where him and a couple others smoke at their work, which is about 20ft from the buildings main entrance..but he's on second shift so they can get away with it... There were a half dozen or so 3-6" tall pot plants coming up from the cracks in the pavement from them always tossing


Well-Known Member
That is interesting. So, the idea is to send a drone to scout promising, secluded grow spots and dump seeds there to see if anything develops. If anything starts to look promising, you then go to said locations yourself to tend the plants. It may save a lot of time to scout that way, once I found good spots I'd probably just get there myself to plant. If you could hook up an automatic gun and/or a flamethrower to your drone, you could potentially find grows already in progress, murder the competition, and claim their grow as your own. Or if you're too squeamish for murder, wait til near harvest time and paint a police logo on the side of the drone along with a loudspeaker, 'THIS IS THE POLICE, FUCKTARDS! WE'VE FOUND YOU AND GROUND TROOPS ARE MOVING IN, STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!' Watch 'em scatter and you'd have plenty of time to get there with some friends and take all their plants. Just seems easier that way...
But you gotta admit, seeding the 606 sounds fun. Are there any wild areas?


Well-Known Member
That is interesting. So, the idea is to send a drone to scout promising, secluded grow spots and dump seeds there to see if anything develops. If anything starts to look promising, you then go to said locations yourself to tend the plants. It may save a lot of time to scout that way, once I found good spots I'd probably just get there myself to plant. If you could hook up an automatic gun and/or a flamethrower to your drone, you could potentially find grows already in progress, murder the competition, and claim their grow as your own. Or if you're too squeamish for murder, wait til near harvest time and paint a police logo on the side of the drone along with a loudspeaker, 'THIS IS THE POLICE, FUCKTARDS! WE'VE FOUND YOU AND GROUND TROOPS ARE MOVING IN, STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!' Watch 'em scatter and you'd have plenty of time to get there with some friends and take all their plants. Just seems easier that way...