I would like to create a religion for monetary gain purposes and worshipping the Lord Jesus. Who would like to name this religion for me (I have more important things to do) and who would like to become part of this exciting new religion?
Include me out.
L.Ron Hubbard did essentially this. In fact, some say that Scientology was founded on a bar bet.
No matter how he framed it, his tongue-in-cheek new religion has killed many and harmed millions.
In my considered opinion, every single "follow me" religion does great harm. I will go further: every religion necessarily restricts the nature of God to the expressible and is therefore blasphemous. Words are incapable of describing Reality let alone God.
I have identified myself as an agnostic here. If I recall, agnostics are not defined by not knowing if there is a Godhead. It's a bit more than that: agnosticism is the idea that God's nature is basically, fundamentally unknowable by us limited matterbound minds.
Thus I lose interest in religion, and in denouncing religion. It all matter so little except in terms of real human suffering made or eased. The Abrahamic religions have a rather poor track record in that regard.