Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
hey man how much would u charge me to make a setup like that and send to me?hahaha i want it so bad im like cumming!!! j.p but seriouslly my other transplant went well the new soil is nice i like it

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
i love the change right away.....
the plants go like oh shit what the fuck was that, 12 hours of darkness?
that when the light go on they reach for it thinking it will be dark again forever i love it.......
lol... yea, that was a nice site when I first opened the door. =]

nice! how long total did you veg, Wolf?
Vegged for about 4 weeks... next time I'll veg for only 3 weeks, but try to stretch them a bit more... I was told that cfl's stretch out your plants... but mine stayed short, and bushy.... maybe a bit too short and bushy lol... as soon as I razed the lights they have been stretching for the lights like crazy =]

hey man how much would u charge me to make a setup like that and send to me?hahaha i want it so bad im like cumming!!! j.p but seriouslly my other transplant went well the new soil is nice i like it
Glad to here your grow is going well gobears... and with as much determination and hard work that you put into your grow, I'm sure making one of these cab grows will be no problem... and you have to plan for one in the near future man

awesome! so much progress.....I'm currently building my own DWC unit exactly like yours haha....inspired me so much..kudos bro
Your going to have some fun with it for sure... good luck man, and don't forget to give us a link to your grow, I would love to check it out =]


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Quick update guys... this morning I peeked in, and could see that "Star" has touched the screen =]

Things are starting to look a bit crowded... the cups of water with paper towels, I put in there for extra humidity are coming out today. The girls are making there own humidity and they need all the space I can give them.

I had a bit of an accident last night when checking the ph... so I didn't want to take any chances and changed the rez's, and up'ed the nutes to 4 capfuls per gallon =]


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
nice work, i've got a small closet dwc going, it's great, but i fukcing hate maintaining the rez... every 2-3 days i have to add water and adjust pH.... i'm always lacking motivation...

i have been moving the plants to a holding bucket (empty), doing the rez, and then moving the plants back. i figure i'll break them eventually, or they'll be to big...

i'm trying to automate the setup, but it's not easy to get the flow rates and water heights right...

i think i read it... you're pumping water in and out of the rez... that'll solve help me a lot, i had only been using my pump for stirring water :)

every day, i could pump the water out, adjust pH and salts, then pump the good water back into the rez....

way easier, and without moving the plants
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Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Sick setup man, read through and i definetly wana follow.:joint::peace:
Welcome aboard Oden =]

nice work, i've got a small closet dwc going, it's great, but i fukcing hate maintaining the rez... every 2-3 days i have to add water and adjust pH.... i'm always lacking motivation...

i have been moving the plants to a holding bucket (empty), doing the rez, and then moving the plants back. i figure i'll break them eventually, or they'll be to big...

i'm trying to automate the setup, but it's not easy to get the flow rates and water heights right...

i think i read it... you're pumping water in and out of the rez... that'll solve help me a lot, i had only been using my pump for stirring water :)

every day, i could pump the water out, adjust pH and salts, then pump the good water back into the rez....

way easier, and without moving the plants
Yes... thats exactly what I do... Next time I'll take some pics of me using the hand pump to pump out the rez... I simply pore new solution right into the tubs by the hatch. Makes things very simple.


So the girls are at 4 capfuls per gallon of nutes... I still don't have a ppm meter, but my system of gradually adding capfuls seems to be working great, and as of yet, no nute burns.

I took the girls out of the cab today to install something I should have done from the beginning...

I added pvc elbows as passive vents. First I painted them flat black so they won't reflect light, and to match the back of the cab. They are positioned to were they blow (or let in) air right under the plants, and gets sucked up and out of the cab through the fan. Keeping the girls cool and giving them extra Co2. I even set my digital camera to video, start the recording, placed it in the cab, under the plants facing the vents, and closed the door... opened the door, and played the video... in it you can clearly see the leaves of the plants fluttering in the constant breeze coming out of the vents =D

PVC Elbows. Painted black and ready to be installed as passive vents...

The vents with reflective tape..

The vents from the back of the cab... still keeping it stealthy.

The rundown... I'm still working on the lower chambers, but they should be done in the next couple of days.

And what is this?... I found this little bump/growth on one of the upper nodes of "Wind". Non of the other plants have this, and this is the only place Wind has it... Could it be an early sign of sex?

Esperanza top view

Spirit top view

Star top view

Wind top view

Group shot


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
cool, i'm using an electric water pump. you might want to pick one up, it was like $13.

i tested out your method last night, pumped water around. it worked well, one i got the pump primed. it'll take some practice.


Well-Known Member
looks good,i hope that isnt an early sign of male sex!! but i need a little help zen ok so when shouldi noticed preflowers on my babies i wanna veg at least 2 more weeks

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... and as you can see here I'm already having something going on with 2 of my girls.. and it's only been 4 days. I'm sure some strains show sex sooner then others. I would just keep an eye for anything new between the nodes.


I still don't have a ppm meter, but it looks like i'm getting a good feel of the girls. These smaller tubs make it easy to change things in an instant if anything would to go wrong. I am impressed with the PureBlend Pro nutes, and would recommend them to any body.

I did something controversial today... I pruned 2 fan leaves from each plant. I wouldn't recommend pruning, but in these micro scrog grows, It's a must in order to get light down to the lower branches... I'm going to keep an eye on them and see how they take the stress... Other then that, the girls are doing great! Although "Wind" and "Esperansa" have me worried cuz they may be showing me early signs of being males =[

Before pruning...


"Wind" and her ball is bigger =[

"Esperansa".. Now she is starting to show a mini-ball too =[

Nothing new with Spirit or Star.

I'm keeping the leaves in a scrapbook.. and they were smelling good too... Star smelled the best =]... Sweet, piney, pepperminty, and tangy all rolled up in one leave =D

Tomorrow, I have made some time to work on the mother/clone chamber, and will also try to take clones... 2 from each plant... I'm excited =]


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
BTW looks real real good. Interested to see what sort of buds they produce. Not to sure on the SCROG method, as in I am not sure whether you pull all stems etc through. or what. Interesting to see what you do.


Active Member
Just joined was reading your thread and it looks like exactly wat i want to do going to follow along see how it goes then probably try something similar.

Do you think this kind of set up would be easy/safe enuf for my first grow

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I hear you can pinch balls off to keep it female? This true? Anyone.
That only works with Hermies, not with straight males... I mean you can keep pinching the pore plants balls but it won't turn it female.. besides, that sounds like major bad karma =[.. lol

BTW looks real real good. Interested to see what sort of buds they produce. Not to sure on the SCROG method, as in I am not sure whether you pull all stems etc through. or what. Interesting to see what you do.
Just stick around and you will see how I do it... I don't have a game plan for the training... I'm going to let each plant let me know what to do.. like a game of chess... it makes a move, then I counter move... It's goal will be to get through the net, my goal is to only let the colas and buds through....I can't wait =]

i took 2 clones from each of my first plants and that's how I got my mothers
I was going to reveg one of the girls after showing sex, but it just seemed to make more since to take clones from all of them... let them flower, and keep the clones from the girls, and then choose a mother or 2 =]..

Just joined was reading your thread and it looks like exactly wat i want to do going to follow along see how it goes then probably try something similar.

Do you think this kind of set up would be easy/safe enuf for my first grow
I'll admit, I was a bit hesitant before trying this micro grow, cuz I knew it could get complicated... But now I'm glad I went for it... It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, and as long as you have a basic understanding of the plants needs, the rest just falls into place.

Exciting news today =]

I was able to finish the vegging chamber for the clones and clone mothers..... So of course I had to put it to good use... I cut 2 clones from each plant... I haven't giving up hope on Esperansa and Wind being girls... though I'm 90% sure they are males =[... Either way I'm going to wait until it's obvious that they are, before getting rid of them and their clones..

I used a clean double edge razor blade... bent it in half until it broke giving me 2 small single edge blades... I soaked in alcohol for a while, then rinsed before taking cuts. I took cutting from the lower branches, quickly dipped them in rooting powder, stuck them in the inserts, and right into the dwc cloner.

I prepped the dwc cloner ahead of time by giving it a good rinsing and filling it with clean ph'ed tap water... Now I happen to be luck to have clean tap water, but you can use RO water, or leave your tap water out for a few hours.

I try to sit the clones to were their stock ends are dipped in the water, but even if they don't reach.. all those popping bobbles will keep them wet and happy.=]

The veg chamber with the clones =]

As you can see, there are still plenty of branches left on the girls. A well trusted friend of mine with outdoor grow experience finely got to see my girls and he was amazed on how they were doing. He had never seen so many nodes grouped together back to back like that. Now he wants to micro grow too =]

Today I cleared out the rez's and fed the girls. I'm staying at 4cupfuls per gal. for now, but will try razing it next time.... I also checked on the clones, and they have already bounced back from the shock... Last night, before going to bed they looked really droopy as though they were dead. But I knew they were going to be looking better today, Just didn't expect them to be all perky and reaching for the lights so quickly. Working from clones will make things much smoother and faster.

Here is a pic of me using the electric portable pump to drain the rez.


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Am jelous of yur pump!... "must get on "now""
im sure we can get the tlb.... On this grow. Its very nice and the cab' solid! Scribed! Db.~tlb! :)

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Am jelous of yur pump!... "must get on "now""
im sure we can get the tlb.... On this grow. Its very nice and the cab' solid! Scribed! Db.~tlb! :)

He's gonna have to get some more space in here!!!

Hey Wolfman, you asked for it!!! Here comes the TLB!

Looks sweet!!! I like Hope!!! (for all you non-espanol folks it is Esperansa)
Wait. . . .i'm not even Espanol? :-? How did i know that????
What kinda devil shit you trying to pull Wolfman??? LOLOLOLOLOL :mrgreen:

I'm scribed! I do dirt, but i'll keep ya company anyways!!
