Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Am jelous of yur pump!... "must get on "now""
im sure we can get the tlb.... On this grow. Its very nice and the cab' solid! Scribed! Db.~tlb! :)
He's gonna have to get some more space in here!!!

Hey Wolfman, you asked for it!!! Here comes the TLB!

Looks sweet!!! I like Hope!!! (for all you non-espanol folks it is Esperansa)
Wait. . . .i'm not even Espanol? :-? How did i know that????
What kinda devil shit you trying to pull Wolfman??? LOLOLOLOLOL :mrgreen:

I'm scribed! I do dirt, but i'll keep ya company anyways!!

sweet grow W/zen tidy and well done.

good luck
Welcome aboard guys!! =]
Glad to have yea

Hey wolfman i was wondering where you got the portable pump? Thanks a lot

Tom :joint::peace:
For the life of me, I can't remember... but since a lot of my fellow RIU'ers have asked... I did the next best thing....... I have link!! =]

[URL="http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?sofocus=unknown&sbrftog=1&ampsspagename=h%3Ah%3Aadvsearch%3AUS&catref=C6&saaff=afdefault&sacur=0&fcl=3&frpp=50&from=R6&saslop=1&saobfmts=exsif&fss=0&satitle=battery+pump+water&sacat=-1%26catref%3DC6&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=98813&sabfmts=1&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&price=1&saprclo=1&saprchi=20&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp="]Water pumps on ebay!! =]


hey bro hows mywind doing?

Wind is doing great gobears.. Taking good care of her for you man =]

Well guys, I just got off of work, and I'm going to check on the girls, and try to come back with some pic updates soon.
Stay tuned =]


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
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Well-Known Member
Yeah like $1.50, and a little secret if u buy the "y" piece also, screw it in to the plug in piece.
Every time ive bought them the cashier only scans the plug in piece:hump:.lol

sorry to go off topic wolfman!

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the good vibes guys, and yes.. I got those plugs at walmart.


Clones seem to be doing well... a little droopy, but well. I checked for roots, but there were non yet.. the whole underside of the inserts as well as the tips of the stocks were all nice and wet.. So it should be a matter of time.

Things are getting really crowded in there... and I should have topped sooner.. not to mention set them to flower sooner... at this point if I knew for sure that they were all girls, I would move 2 of them to the lower flower chamber, but for now I'll keep this going as far as I can. For the next grow I know to flower earlier.. and that's all good. =]

I decided to free up some space by trimming more fan leaves.. most of them are under the canopy and in shade.. I'm not sure if this is a great idea, and if I were doing a normal grow with more space, I wouldn't trim them... but at this point it's a must.... here goes.

I had to move carefully through the vegetation like a stealthy ninja with a sharp sword =]

Some of the leaves that were trimmed.. notice that funny 2 finger leave at the bottom, it came from Wind, and it's the only one of it's kind... over all they look to have a good mix of sativa/indica so i'm really curious on what they are..

Made this for an older family member.. It was requested as is... Alcohol and Marijuana leaves.. It's an old and well known Urban remedy for soar achy muscles, back pain, and joint pain... you just rub on the affected area...

With that said... I don't think using just the leaves makes it effective.. and I told that to my relative and explained that I will later make her another one using frosty leaves =].. the THC should dilute into the alcohol, and when applied it should absorb into the skin and could be effective to relieve pain... at least that is how i think this urban remedy is suppose to work.

Things look better under the canopy..

As you can see... Star has made the first move in our little game of ScrOG chess =]

I counter moved, by trimming a couple of her upper fan leaves, pulling her under, and tucking her back in the corner.

There have been some changes with Esperansa as far as her sexing goes..

As well with "Wind"

And here is a pic of Esperansa's top... she is the only one that responded positive with the fimming... 3 main shoots =]

And lastly... some time-laps =]


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
everything's looking so nice

are you misting the leaves of your clones or putting a humid-dome over them? maybe they're not absorbing enough moisture.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about your clones being droopy, it's normal for them to do that for a while. Once they start firming up again that means they are taking root.

Everything is looking good, bro! I'm on a holding pattern on two of my plants right now, they've been under 12/12 since seed (over 5 weeks) and have just started showing preflowers.

I can't wait until I have a good mother plant so I don't have to wonder anymore!


Well-Known Member
i got my water pump at home depot, it's a pond/fountain pump, the smallest they had.

it's 110v, i kinda wish it was battery operated with a power switch. mine isn't portable and now i'm using the plug as the on/off switch.


Well-Known Member
i've been using my pump for controlling the water chemicals. works well, good i'm not trying to handle the plants anymore.

the water pump i got is similar to this one Laguna 65 gph Tabletop Micromega Pump - Filtration & Circulation - Fish - PetSmart

here's my closet, kinda small dwc, one 3gal bucket with 3 plants and one 5gal bucket with 4 plants, 400w HPS

~25days flowering

wolfman, plants doubled in size during the first two weeks of flowering, my light is almost as high as i can get it without major modification...



Well-Known Member

no, i have pictures but haven't typed or posted anything proper. it's complicated to explain, but all these plants were cloned/rooted at the same time s

cheap 400w closet grow. 3' by 3', basement, cheap intake and exhaust fans, gh nutrients, 5.3pH and 1000ppm, ice and bagseed clones.

the closest plant is this old "ice" specimen. someone topped an ice plant, i got the top and cloned it, veg the top for a month and topped it. vegged that top for two weeks and flowered it.

it's kinda malformed, the leaves only have 1-3 lobes, it's starting to yellow and curl while all the other plants are status quo.

another "ice" clone on the furtherest left, one of the original branches from the top i was given.

the rest are bagseed clones, way younger than the ice plants. they look okay too.

it's a clusterfuck of plants, i don't know if i'll get anything smokable... although i did just read about some guy smoking leaves from a male... :)


Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
everything's looking so nice

are you misting the leaves of your clones or putting a humid-dome over them? maybe they're not absorbing enough moisture.
I'm with you on that lorenzo and I was misting until I could run down town and get some stuff including another plastic shoebox tub.

The clones are happier now... An extra shoebox tub for a humidity dome is just what they needed =]

And also, today is the day I joined the apple juice experiment... I filled the tubs today with nutes/water and 1/4 cup of apple juice. And will continue feeding just one tub with apple juice each time I feed them... and flush it with water and apple juice until harvest. Then compare the grow and smoke with the other.. It's some thing B. THC R+D came up with and a bunch of us are testing it out... "Applejuice" It's Not Just For Baby !!! so far the first experiments came out very well =].

Stay tuned.

Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker