Open Show and Tell 2015!

The Animal Cookies seems to be rid of them. I only used Azamax and Neem with a coco wet soap.

I think the worms help.

Oscar the grouch approves of the above usage of trash cans

Oscar the grouch disapproves of the below usage of trash cans
Candyland in the pot has taken off...stinky already too. 1st tie down yesterday The white buffalo I decided to get in deeper. It was all lanky and stretchy. Slow grower at that.

Here's still to hoping for some female. I'm feeling the one in the pot is female. Just by the looks of a few things. Crossing my toes 20150706_160221.jpgPhotoGrid_1436237864769.jpg
Best picture ive taken yet this season....IMO
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Those things will actually get stoned as fuck of flowering plants lol Except they're green here. I had them on my plants all through veg and then I had one on my 6 - 7 week flowering Cotton Candy and man was he baked. Usually if you fuck with them they fly away or put there arms out and try to attack you this thing just wouldn't move it was stumbling all over the buds falling from one head to another eventually making its way to the ground were it just crawled along the dirt lol I put it back on the top but and it did the exact same thing, I dunno if they usually have red eyes but this thing did. Im not surprised I mean it was crawling over the resin glands then washing its face with its arms :) Anyone else seen bugs stoned before?

Also looking great everyone beautiful plants!!!!!!!!!!