over watering


Hi everyone. I've tried my 1st grow but It turns out I over watered my seedling ive benn using a spray bottle at first then started just pouring straight on I think that may have been my mistake should I just keep spraying when I start a new or pour less water straight on and how often should I water? I also noticed some ehie line on a couple leaves doesn't look like mold though anyone know whats up with that? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
You should not spray them at all, a seedling needs hardly any water
just water the soil evenly from the top until you see water coming out of the bottom of the pot lift up the pot and feel its weight, remember how heavy it is when full
allow the soil to dry out almost completely before you water again
you can use the weight of the pots to help you know when they need water
the amount of time between watering will depend on many things, so you will need to work that part out yourself
depending on the size of your pots and plants
if any other medium is used with the soil like perlite or whatever
temps in the room



You should not spray them at all, a seedling needs hardly any water
just water the soil evenly from the top until you see water coming out of the bottom of the pot lift up the pot and feel its weight, remember how heavy it is when full
allow the soil to dry out almost completely before you water again
you can use the weight of the pots to help you know when they need water
the amount of time between watering will depend on many things, so you will need to work that part out yourself
depending on the size of your pots and plants
if any other medium is used with the soil like perlite or whatever
temps in the room

Ok thank you i'll definitely try that.


Active Member
heh, take anything you here with a grain of salt here I've been given a lot of wrong info from well known members etc. imo you should water the center then plant then lightly add water to top and spray bottle until first set of true leaves I've jist done this method on my 2 plants with good results let top soil stay dry for 1-2 days and re add you shouldn't be adding a lot of water for atleast 2 weeks even after that it should be sparingly


heh, take anything you here with a grain of salt here I've been given a lot of wrong info from well known members etc. imo you should water the center then plant then lightly add water to top and spray bottle until first set of true leaves I've jist done this method on my 2 plants with good results let top soil stay dry for 1-2 days and re add you shouldn't be adding a lot of water for atleast 2 weeks even after that it should be sparingly
heh, take anything you here with a grain of salt here I've been given a lot of wrong info from well known members etc. imo you should water the center then plant then lightly add water to top and spray bottle until first set of true leaves I've jist done this method on my 2 plants with good results let top soil stay dry for 1-2 days and re add you shouldn't be adding a lot of water for atleast 2 weeks even after that it should be sparingly
Ok thank you ver much I will try that


Well-Known Member
You should not spray them at all, a seedling needs hardly any water
just water the soil evenly from the top until you see water coming out of the bottom of the pot lift up the pot and feel its weight, remember how heavy it is when full
allow the soil to dry out almost completely before you water again
you can use the weight of the pots to help you know when they need water
the amount of time between watering will depend on many things, so you will need to work that part out yourself
depending on the size of your pots and plants
if any other medium is used with the soil like perlite or whatever
temps in the room

This is how to properly water indoor plants ^^^^^. I think most new growers are scared to let them dry out all the way. Thinking its going to kill them. Unless you see your plant start to wilt, your fine. Even if it does start to wilt, watering it and it recovers crazy fast, 1-2 hours. Always side on under watering your plants then on the side of overwatering, you will always run into less problems pertaining to your roots. Good luck and happy growing!

*Edit* I should probably add, that this information does not pertain to seedlings younger then 10 days old. If your using good seedling soil/medium, then its very hard to overwater them.
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