Seriously stummped 20% of my plant looks like this


Well-Known Member
I have a skywalker og that cannot be fed the same as my other strains, it needs way more nutes. Also when its smaller no problems, but when i grow it to 4-5 ft its main stem stay really small, imo not enough highway for the nutes to make it to the buds. Just my opinion and 2 cents. GL Id feed them girls more p and k.


I have a skywalker og that cannot be fed the same as my other strains, it needs way more nutes. Also when its smaller no problems, but when i grow it to 4-5 ft its main stem stay really small, imo not enough highway for the nutes to make it to the buds. Just my opinion and 2 cents. GL Id feed them girls more p and k.
That's her from a far


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Temps at night vs daytime? Cool nights express coloring in some strains. More so if the temp drops are over 10F.
K effects color expression on some strains...
I would do nothing as it does not look like a problem......Could be strain trait.


Well-Known Member
Where is the problem showing up, bottom, middle, top or random all over? Doesn't look like a big problem, wouldn't worry to much if it doesn't get fixed.


Temps at night vs daytime? Cool nights express coloring in some strains. More so if the temp drops are over 10F.
K effects color expression on some strains...
I would do nothing as it does not look like a problem......Could be strain trait.
my room is pretty constant at 78 during the day and may get to 69-70 at night