Help, CFL bulb fell on plant, burned stem...


New Member
about 2 weeks ago a CFL bulb fell on a ~3 week old seedling that i had JUST topped, and i didnt notice for ~30 minutes, at which point the bulb had burned the stem at the bottom node, killing one of the bottom sets of branches and almost burning right through the stem itself

Praying for a miracle, i staked the plant and used twist ties to hold it up. Two weeks later the tops and rest of the plant are growing vigorously again, except that burned spot on the steam hasnt healed very much (or at all) i feel like the moment i untie the splint the whole top of the plant is just going to fall off the stalk.

any time ive ever injured a plant in the past it has just "knuckled up" and soldiered on.. but this plant doesnt seem to want to heal this injury, although everything above it is still growing..

im wondering: since i have no fans blowing on this grow (its a test of a homemade fridge grow-box) that there is no stimulating motion to induce knuckling on the injured stem? Should i put it out in the weather for a couple days?

im really lost on how this is going to turn out.



Well-Known Member
Your Plant will be fine, as you can see by your Pictures the growth on top is still doing good, It will of course stunt the growth for a bit but she will rebound and be just fine, You really should have a fan on the plant, if you can't do not put it out in the weather that just may really hurt her, It is used to what light your giving it now and the sun is like no other light we use inside, so IMO don't do that, and she will recover just fine, Good Luck


New Member
Give up any hopes of growing anything ever is probably best.
right on man thanks for your constructive feedback, you really know how to make a new member feel at home

Your Plant will be fine, as you can see by your Pictures the growth on top is still doing good, It will of course stunt the growth for a bit but she will rebound and be just fine, You really should have a fan on the plant, if you can't do not put it out in the weather that just may really hurt her, It is used to what light your giving it now and the sun is like no other light we use inside, so IMO don't do that, and she will recover just fine, Good Luck
alright, yea i can actually see that the whole "burnt/pinched" area is actually growing along with the rest of the plant and seems to be filling in a bit. Ill have a look for a mini fan of some kind or try to work in another powered intake fan to blow on the canopy.. mini fridge is a cool idea but pretty cramped lol