stays relevant.
So I need to pick up a few of these parts. The best way I could explain it is that if you screw a light bulb into it, you could plug the light bulb directly into the wall.
Lightbulb plugs in here: O)))))= |II| <- power outlet. plugs into wall here.
I have a picture of what I mean. Maybe you guys can help me find this part...
The black connector underneath the white extension cable on the right side of the pic. It's like a Mogul Base to electric outlet.
Any names, links, etc for this part would be greatly appreciated and +Rep'd
Lightbulb plugs in here: O)))))= |II| <- power outlet. plugs into wall here.
I have a picture of what I mean. Maybe you guys can help me find this part...
The black connector underneath the white extension cable on the right side of the pic. It's like a Mogul Base to electric outlet.
Any names, links, etc for this part would be greatly appreciated and +Rep'd