More people need to grow them some food...

I love you "informed" lefties.

Back in May Avian (chicken) flu broke out in the midwest.
With the fear of the flu killing millions of chickens the price of egg went up a least a dollar later that week.

Farms around here are quarantined from guests.
I've seen signs saying "Nobody allowed on this farm".

Now reaching to 15 states, the outbreak has been detected at 174 farms, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Because there's no vaccine, infected and even healthy birds must be killed to try to stop the virus, forcing the killing of 38.9 million birds and counting, the USDA says.

guess i don't really care since i get all my eggs from my hens in the back yard.
i'm sure most people on food stamps have enough space to compost enough to turn one potato into 30 pounds of potatoes.

i'll wait for you to show us all how you turned one potato into 30 pounds of potatoes.

You plant the seed potato deep and add straw and dirt as the season progresses.
You could easily pull 30 pounds or more of potatoes by the end of the season.
I used to grow storage potatoes like that. They would last all winter and then some.
You plant the seed potato deep and add straw and dirt as the season progresses.
You could easily pull 30 pounds or more of potatoes by the end of the season.
I used to grow storage potatoes like that. They would last all winter and then some.

i never got much more yield stacking straw, and planting too deep is a great way to get rot and blight.

i've never weighed any harvest but 30 pounds is pie in the sky unless you are dedicating an inordinate amount of space and resources to a single plant. i grow in raised beds filled with recycled organic cannabis soil amended with potash before the season starts. each of my seed potatoes fills about a 5 pound bag if i leave them for 4+ months.

if it can be done "easily", then show me how someone who needs food stamps grows 30 pounds of potatoes using one seed potato.
We can have chickens here in our city.
Must have a coup
must be clean, no odors
limit of 2 chickens no roosters
open to inspection any time.
No slaughtering
25 dollar per year license
You suggested homeless people collect their shit and use it to fertilize potato clones because food stamps are raping you.

Not quite. What I suggested was that the problem of feeding ourselves cannot be resolved if dependency on an outside coercive source is the cornerstone of the program.

I voluntarily work on helping people create food and like to proliferate independence. Teach a man to fish etc.

Speaking of fishing, you are obviously trolling from your hammock. Maybe you could benefit from some exercise as flapping your gums only reveals your cheetoh stained teeth.
i have a quarter acre which i am farming to the max, its harvests will not put much of a dent in my food bill.

Consider changing up the mix of what you are growing so your harvests are on a more regular and continual basis. Do you have a greenhouse?
We can have chickens here in our city.
Must have a coup
must be clean, no odors
limit of 2 chickens no roosters
open to inspection any time.
No slaughtering
25 dollar per year license

Grow a set of balls, get a rooster and tell the license police to go fuck themselves.
Collective neighborhood farming. That's the answer. Homeless people can't buy pots and soil and seeds and be expected to have a productive garden to feed themselves from.

Good idea. I'd love to hear how your organization efforts getting this going do. Why wait for somebody else to make it happen?
I think Ron Roy is going to suggest you shit on it. He's quite predictable.

Actually, I'm going to suggest he read a book. How are your efforts at organizing a personal or community garden going?

I actually love egg salad sandwich. My wife teases, saying it's an old folks meal. I pay her back by farting in the bed all night.
Why the fuck the price of eggs are so damn high right now ?

I'm sure your sharted shorts are easily cleaned using your laundry expertise. Don't forget to change the sheets, please for your wife's sake.
if you need any more advice on how to do things that any man should be able to do, let me know.
one can only assume you don't understand his post (Illegal to have chickens in town) or you are actively engaged in a conspiracy to undermine the law.

Plus, what would you know about being a man? Men have large penises, yours is far to small to belong to a man.
i never got much more yield stacking straw, and planting too deep is a great way to get rot and blight.

i've never weighed any harvest but 30 pounds is pie in the sky unless you are dedicating an inordinate amount of space and resources to a single plant. i grow in raised beds filled with recycled organic cannabis soil amended with potash before the season starts. each of my seed potatoes fills about a 5 pound bag if i leave them for 4+ months.

if it can be done "easily", then show me how someone who needs food stamps grows 30 pounds of potatoes using one seed potato.

No, you suggested that poor people should turn their shit into fertilizer, clone potato plants and plant fields of potatos fertilized by human shit, because foodstamps are raping you.

In the larger perspective rather than your myopic perspective I will now clarify.

I suggest people that are relying on others to feed them, learn to feed themselves for their own safety and for their own benefit and the mutual benefit of independence and peaceful human interactions. After all, it cannot be denied that "food stamps" are really just an enabling symptoms addressing program that doesn't really address root causes. Failing to address root causes won't solve a problem.

You personally could benefit from some exercise and self reliance. I'll also suggest you put down your gun and stop relying on forced redistribution to feed yourself.
Recycled containers such as yogurt containers etc can be used to start plants in lieu of store bought pots. Many plants can be cloned too such as tomatoes.

A single bag of seed potatoes can proliferate into a a field if done correctly or used to start several container grows.

Each of us "creates" soil daily, but public waste disposal systems get it all wrong....

You most certainly did suggest that poor people turn their shit into fertilizer and plant fields of cloned potatos.
Shit is the world's first fertilizer and it is organic and GMO free. What is wrong with using shit for fertilizer?

People in Detroit are actually doing what RR suggests. Communal gardens. Lovely and edible.
I'm sure your sharted shorts are easily cleaned using your laundry expertise. Don't forget to change the sheets, please for your wife's sake.
unlike you, most people don't shit every time they fart. You should not be soiling your drawers ever time you fart. Something is wrong with you. Please go see a doctor. I wonder if it could be due to all the imaginary raping your asshole has been experiencing.
LBMS=LOOSE BOWEL MOVEMENT SYNDROME...yup sounds like we found your problem
Consider changing up the mix of what you are growing so your harvests are on a more regular and continual basis. Do you have a greenhouse?

i use my greenhouse to extend the growing season and do successive plantings.

your idea that poor people can magically homestead their way to nutrition is a pipe dream.