iv spent over $10,000 in prostitutes the last 4 days, noe im out of cash so im just sea ottering
sometimes i just ejaculate into orbitHey thumbs up for using a sheet....some people dont use bed sheets and thats wicked gross!
i just saw a hooker on sunday. these spinners are bad as fuck. i cant even bring myself to fuck with regular people anymore the hookers are better i spend almost 1k a week just to fuck them, shit i gotta stop before i die and lose all my money, one of them was even a high school english teacher. i guess thats what kind of shit teachers do on summer break
i just saw a hooker on sunday. these spinners are bad as fuck. i cant even bring myself to fuck with regular people anymore the hookers are better i spend almost 1k a week just to fuck them, shit i gotta stop before i die and lose all my money, one of them was even a high school english teacher. i guess thats what kind of shit teachers do on summer break
i just saw a hooker on sunday. these spinners are bad as fuck. i cant even bring myself to fuck with regular people anymore the hookers are better i spend almost 1k a week just to fuck them, shit i gotta stop before i die and lose all my money, one of them was even a high school english teacher. i guess thats what kind of shit teachers do on summer break
i just saw a hooker on sunday. these spinners are bad as fuck. i cant even bring myself to fuck with regular people anymore the hookers are better i spend almost 1k a week just to fuck them, shit i gotta stop before i die and lose all my money, one of them was even a high school english teacher. i guess thats what kind of shit teachers do on summer break
it has to do with time invested to what i woud get out of it. id never be able to somehow pull a chick that looks as good as them within 30 minutes of talking to them and be able to fuck them. the hookers know what they have going for them thats why they charge and dont fuck for free just like mac dre. i can hit the streets and sell crack and make enough money in 30 minutes to be able to get the cash to fuck them. fuck society i want to be freeWhy would u rather fuck a hooker? Dude adult friend finder has plenty of free pussy. ..just saying ..plus they host sex parties...never went but I got a few invites...stay safe and be wise ...