I nominate Manny Ramirez for Official RIU Greeter


Well-Known Member
The thread title says it all (as ever). Anyone ever read Manny's posts? I rarely see a person post in Introduce Yourself and NOT see Manny right there, giving them a right friendly greeting. :)

Mr. Rollitup and the powers that be, I humbly suggest that he be given an official title, because no one is as diligent as he when it comes to just sayin' High.

Oh, and maybe give him a big, tricked out name tag. :D


Well-Known Member
I second this, I always welcome newcomers but find myself in second place everytime behind Manny! Manny for meet and greet head of RIU.


Well-Known Member
haha i was thinking that he greets everyone too the other day. that manny ramirez is a helluva guy.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea, he's very persistent....
And CONsistent. That's important. :) Always got a howdy.

What sayeth Manny? Do you think he even goes into any other forums? I always use that New Posts link, I wanna see what's up, even if it's not necessarily a forum I will get immediate use from. Not everyone does that, though.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, it would be a nice gesture, I guess, but it's a moot point...

he just got traded to the dodgers. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Naw, come on, man, you know who I'm talking about. Not that Manny Ramirez (there are probably hell of Manny Ramirezes out there now that I think about it), OUR Manny.

Sorry, I've had three glasses of wine tonight, and I'm a little lit. Let's give him a big tricked out name tag or somethin'. He's on the ball, he greets like nobody's business, right there, almost every time. Makes even the assholes feel welcome (don't hold that against him). :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, not with all that fuckin' melted cheese all over your sizzle chest. :D
well I've cut down on doing it though. It used to be an everyday thing but now I'm down to once twice maybe three times a week. The judge told me just to do it inside my own house and there won't be anymore problems.


Well-Known Member
I must admit that I always seen manny greeting at the door!! Lets get him the a greeters jacket like at wallmart only with riu on it!~