How much is a POUND of dank chronic in your area?


Well-Known Member
ohhh well yeah I think dealing like getting as much money(selling as much product) as possible. :mrgreen: lol you won't need a gun...:peace: I think you said selling but anything to do with moving "drugs" I think dealing.
way to hurt my feelings earlier.


Well-Known Member
ohhh well yeah I think dealing like getting as much money(selling as much product) as possible. :mrgreen: lol you won't need a gun...:peace: I think you said selling but anything to do with moving "drugs" I think dealing.
im gonna be going to college soon, im just trying to make enough to get out of state so i can


Active Member
A pound of some damn good mid in my area is uhh... lets see 540$ for a QP so thats like $2,160 for a pound and hell thats what the dealer pays for it. He sells it for like $30 for a half nickel or 5 grams. I also know a guy from college that sells some quality bud, its not name brand but its no seeds and great shit, he sells it for like $50 and 1/8th which i think was like 2 or 3 grams maybe.. not for sure... cant afford that shit


Well-Known Member
ohh pun

i have a right to be mean
lol you were the whole time

im hard headed.

but im chilllaxing off codeine man
so i don't know why im not mad at you

THANK the codeine. and no i didn't take it to abuse it, my mouth hurts cuz i popped my jaw....=[

but i like it