Assuming the same spd...
More energy=more photons
More photons=more energy
Half full or half empty.
That doesn't make it correct for what we are talking about. Or a way to compare any light because it works with the same does lumens. Is it close, and can be related...sure...but again, not correct. Your issue is with plant physiology which I find hard to over turn.
And also doesn't help when it comes to canopy intensity. PAR watts, and avg PPFD will not tell you instantaneous PPFD...which is not the same as avg PPFD. I can take sufficient PAR watts and hang it too high it will not perform. Then also the other side of it... I can take insufficient PAR watts but create acceptable canopy intensity for better growth than sufficient but not ideal in use. All coming back to the plants direct relationship with photons.
Plants require an avg PPFD of 700-1000µmols. But can handle instantaneous intensities of 1500µmols.