Einhorn IS Finkle!!! Or no sleep has made me Something Something...


Well-Known Member
You should have figured that out in highschool.

And people say they don't use anything they learned in highschool.
Ooooooooh, I thought you were talking to me about Ace Ventura.

I've gotten the others on perm ignore. Feel like you only need a complete stranger to call you a dumb whore a few dozen times before it gets old.

Nobody got time for that shit.


Well-Known Member
Ignore these guys, yessi. You feel free to post titty pics anytime you feel the urge. I won't assist in the trolling (against my personal beliefs), but I'll rub one out to them as usual...
Haha, you're a prince!

Titty pictures are for PMs only. Some people REALLY hate em and everything they stand for...

But yeah, perm ignore. This was just a last ditch effort to express just how weird some people are.

Not funny ha ha, just kinda fucked up.


Well-Known Member
You start a hate thread about me, and I am the asshole? Lol. I haven't said a word to you in weeks. What triggered this sudden outburst of feelbads?