Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread


Well-Known Member
got started on the greenhouse and looks like i will have 11 x 20 with 13 ft of head room. i think you will be impressed saturday with the build.


Well-Known Member
I start getting perflower around 1st week of Aug on the east coast.
my brain twister strain has been budding for 2 weeks now and will be done by early sept ( 1-7 ) mid coast maine greenhouse natural light only its great to get a strain that is done/cured /ready to go before the green bud flood lol..



Well-Known Member
Told you about that Cheese.. Wait till the sweetness blends in. You will have a hard time not pulling samples! LOL
yea, my other pheno that was flowering indoor is about 2-3 weeks into flower now. VERY frosty, kinda sweet cheese smell to it, like a cheddar and candy corn (those little Halloween candys come to mind every sniff to me)


Well-Known Member
one of the blackberry x jabbas is throwing pink pistils...pretty cool. I have only had 1 other strain every do it (Kiwi) and it was a sativa that wasn't worth the 16 week flower time.


Well-Known Member
oh yea, my 5 geese are in their pen now. was a long drive home with them in the dog kennel shitting up a storm. I swear, I could have left my blazer running in south central la and no one would have stolen it after getting in and smelling the stank of 5 big geese. they are "goslings" but at 2 months old they are just as big as the parents, just not as heavy yet. Pretty excited to be adding animals to the farm. Anyway

stay free stay high



Well-Known Member
nice man! Im looking forward to seeing how we put your hoop house together. Im definitely going to jot down notes. Misses and I definitely want something sturdier, solid, and more "legit" carports work in a pinch, but i am hoping to outgrow it next year! Even if its just 6 medical plants + 4 rec plants, in the ground vegged out all winter.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys
you dont know me....
Iam new to RIU not even american but your thread papa was one big reason for me to register on RIU.
How you and dr.D stick together and manage to get problems solved and the whole family like thing realy made my eyes wet sometimes. Just want you guys to know that.
keep up the great work it is so nice to see stoners not even grow big plants but big friendships.

All my thumbs way up.

All the best @ ya all

Peace buddy


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.

It truly never fails, cannabis can bring people together. I am pretty fortunate that when dr.d81 moved, he choose my backyard. Defintely found an army brother and another growwr who is just as passionate about grpwing as I am.

Welcome to rui, and enjoy the,thread man!

Stay free stay high



Well-Known Member
Yes you are two lucky guys that you found each other.
In my case only two friends know about my plants and I cant let enter anybody else to my property because of security reasons. That sucks.
I have no neighbors here that is good and bad for some reason. But I have a big black Doberman he is the sheriff here when I am working.

Cant wait to see your plants in flower papa

Peace and stay safe and high too


Well-Known Member
Hey guys
you dont know me....
Iam new to RIU not even american but your thread papa was one big reason for me to register on RIU.
How you and dr.D stick together and manage to get problems solved and the whole family like thing realy made my eyes wet sometimes. Just want you guys to know that.
keep up the great work it is so nice to see stoners not even grow big plants but big friendships.

All my thumbs way up.

All the best @ ya all

Peace buddy
wow he even gave you a "like " for this thats rare!!
they are lucky for show:)