NEW cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot everyone for the replies! And yes that is a DIY co2, it works great too. I am soo stoked that it is a girl, this was the only plant I had growing so it was all up to this one.


Well-Known Member

I have found TONS of tiny little white bugs all over the plant. Stem, leave, bud!! They are not doing anything (that I can see). BUT it is very unwanted!! I will try and get pics up tomorrow of them. I thought I noticed something like them a few weeks ago also, but I dont know what happend. Anyway I figuire atleast if I saw them a few weeks ago and nothing has happend its ok SO FAR. But I need them gone ASAP. Anyone know if I can use SEVENDUST or what else could I use. Anyone even know wtf these things are? Little tiny mother fucking white bugs, they crawl..



Active Member
Hey wtfd00d just rear thru ur thread and It sounds like the perfect way to start growing. Starting with a couple of plants lsting them then getting a clone base sounds like a good idea.

A quick ? are u using any odor controll have seen a mention of it, I will have to use some on mine so I was wondering if u had any advice on something cheap.

Thanks for reading hit me back :peace:.


Well-Known Member
Yea Ive got a carbon air filer/scrubber deal I made from a DIY on here. Gimme a min and Ill link ya up. More pics to come tonight folks!! Gotta charge the camera, was gonna do it lastnight but batteries were dead. Be looking back around 9:30-10:00pm est.


Well-Known Member
Damn sorry everyone but I think I need to buy a new dig camera. I think mine has crapped out on me, damn cheap KODAK. Stupid thing wont take a charge dunno whats wrong, Im tired of buying CRAP from best buy. Anyway she is doing awesome, buds are growing fatter and more dense each day. She is at week 3 in flower. Ill try and get someone elses cam till I get one. Here is the info on my carbon filter I built. Thanks again for looking everyone and sorry to dissapoint those who were looking for pics!


Well-Known Member
HAHA, Im sorry man. My cam is fucked. I could take pics with a crappy cell phone but that wont do justice for this girl. Ill try and get a cam tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
You should think about making a light like I did...It uses CFL's as well and covers 4 points of light and sits over your plant(s) nicely...


Well-Known Member
Heres some more updated pics for everyone. I still wanna know why it MAY be so short? I mean its bushier then hell but for over a month old its still shorter then a foot by far!! Nonetheless Im happy with the results Ive been getting. I just LST'd it the other night, I think it was monday night? Should I up the Blood meal to 2 sp every 48 oz of water you guys think? Should I just give it util I notice it start to burn too many nutes? What else can I give it to help it boom up a little more? I only wanna let it veg another 3 weeks. Anyway please let me know what everyone thinks, and once again THANKS!
my plant looks exatly like yours
like identical

but i just have no idea
how do i LST my plant?

do i like tie the stem with a string so its pulling it out?

also i have a wire mesh but dont know what to do with it


Well-Known Member
Here it is folks, the moment youve been waiting for. My camera wasn't fucked up thank goodness. I dont know what was wrong with it BUT, my wife had gotten it to take charge. I have been feeding her blood meal, and molasses. She is really starting to take off as you can see from the pics. Havent seen anymore of the bugs though really so thats good.
