Pit bulls


Well-Known Member
Kittys favorite thing to chew up is water bottles. When I have to leave her alone, I place empty water bottles threw out the house. Just got to keep her busy and give her stuff to chew on...puppies gotta chew. The worst thing she has chewed is my slipper and a small hole in the carpet when I left the crate door open one night. Next month I will leave the crate door open for all night and keep one eye open. She hated the crate when I first got her because she was in it alot:( Now I tell her "go to bed" and she goes right in there and passes out. I shoved her little orthepedic bed in there, she likey the bed.
She got into a fight with a cactus the other day (cactus won of course). She came and told me she had needles in her face, then we went outside and she just stood still so I could pull out all the needles. She knew I was trying to help her and let me. Everytime the big dog barks, she guards me, or, she might just be too scared idk lol . Shes gonna do great. next time I post pics will be when shes full grown

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
Kitty update (yes we named her Kitty)....
1month after we got her (6mths old)
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taken the other day
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all these are beutiful dia im glad you gave her a home she looks content as hell and her buddy looks happy as hell to ,i wouldnt fuck with that grow lol,also i can tell by her eyes she is a little shit,great job girl friend ,your stuck now once you enjoy the loyalty of this breed you want turn back by the way i love shepards to.

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
I rescued my big pal JFK when he was already ~ 1 and a half. He is super friendly, and will lick you till your covered in slobber if you don't tell him no.

He has a bit of trouble w/ smaller animals (nothing malicious, but he is very high energy and big, and his "play" can be a little rough).

They can be very stubborn but are really good dogs.

hats off to you brother ,it is always nice to give animals and pepole a second chance at life

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
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Here's my cat and dog! Pitbulls are great and easy to train. This white pitbull bitch can climb trees! Mine is fine with cats and I would go mental if he chased a cat.

People always comment on two things, his blue colour and his obedience. I've made the next decade with him very easy. He's a great swimmer and we love jumping in the sea together. I think in the right hands they are a fantastic breed.
love the pics lahada, they are a awesome breed indeed ,the climber is talented and your bluenose is beautiful

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
Lol! Thanks! He still gets chased but I just walk on by smiling! He turned on a dog that he knows yesterday because it was provoking him and bit him on the tail!! He's off the lead all the time due to his temperament. He's very boisterous with my bf though!
this is how i trained mine lahada,i would slap mama on the ass and my little female goes ballistic,thats the way i want her,she doesnt bite me but anyone trying to get to mama better think real hard about doing it.i have to lock her out of the room when we make love,i have a tendacy to get a serious freak on in the act of love


Well-Known Member
I rescued a Pitbull mix, he's crossed with chocolate lab by the looks of it. He was hanging outside a gas station in the middle of nowhere, just skin and bones. I said what's up to him as I went in the store, when I came out he got up, walked to my truck and jumped in like it was his. I couldn't leave him there after that.

His front teeth are a little chipped up, my vet said he was probably locked up in a cage and chipped his teeth chewing on the metal. His pads were all torn up, like he had been running for awhile. He also displayed signs of abuse, you could just tell by his behavior that someone used to beat the shit out of him.

I got him back to health and he's turned out to be an amazing dog. He's great with kids and loves people, he has to say hello to everyone he sees and will start making this high pitched chirping sound if you don't let him greet everyone.

This was how skinny he was when I found him.


This is him this morning


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I rescued a Pitbull mix, he's crossed with chocolate lab by the looks of it. He was hanging outside a gas station in the middle of nowhere, just skin and bones. I said what's up to him as I went in the store, when I came out he got up, walked to my truck and jumped in like it was his. I couldn't leave him there after that.

His front teeth are a little chipped up, my vet said he was probably locked up in a cage and chipped his teeth chewing on the metal. His pads were all torn up, like he had been running for awhile. He also displayed signs of abuse, you could just tell by his behavior that someone used to beat the shit out of him.

I got him back to health and he's turned out to be an amazing dog. He's great with kids and loves people, he has to say hello to everyone he sees and will start making this high pitched chirping sound if you don't let him greet everyone.

This was how skinny he was when I found him.

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This is him this morning

View attachment 3461800
Great dog!!!


Well-Known Member
this is how i trained mine lahada,i would slap mama on the ass and my little female goes ballistic,thats the way i want her,she doesnt bite me but anyone trying to get to mama better think real hard about doing it.i have to lock her out of the room when we make love,i have a tendacy to get a serious freak on in the act of love
He's really protective. If even one of my feet leaves the floor he's on it. He understands 'bite him in the dick' and is seriously relentless when it kicks off. Bf and I can't dance together and absolutely no piggy backs. We shut the door when we are at it but he has run in before when he's heard me! Lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Great dog!!!
Thanks, he really is. I walk him twice a day and he's such a nice dog that the neighbors let their little five year old daughter go out and pet him when I go by their house.

He used to flinch real bad whenever someone tried to pet him and when I'd put him out on his leash, he'd bolt away with his tail tucked and look back like he was expecting a foot in the ass. It took him a few months to get over that and realize nobody around here is going to hurt him. Now all he wants to do is be a giant lap dog.