Women who make my penis go soft

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
Is it just me, or are these people just truly repulsive in every dimension of their existence that if they cum on TV while I have my cock in my hand, the party is over... my brain aborts all sexy time thoughts and executes my erection.

There are no words in the English dictionary (I checked) that express how anti-erotic/negatively erotic I find these ppl...

Contribute your own (i guess you could include same-gender if you swing that way...)



Well-Known Member
why would you find those women attractive? only young women are attractive because of their fertility and youth. this life is 1 big gay ass joke, women are only good for such a short amount of time. i can not even tell you how many of these girls that were prime as fuck during their late teens and early 20s that already look terrible in their late 20s. is anyone out there even attracted to women over 35?


Well-Known Member
why would you find those women attractive? only young women are attractive because of their fertility and youth. this life is 1 big gay ass joke, women are only good for such a short amount of time. i can not even tell you how many of these girls that were prime as fuck during their late teens and early 20s that already look terrible in their late 20s. is anyone out there even attracted to women over 35?
Modern medicine and nutrition such that it is, there are even fine ass GILFS out there...
