I Want Some HONEY!!!!

The role that they play in our food cycle is imperative to our foods remaining viable. If the average person had any clue how valuable bee's are they might take action instead of sitting there doing nothing. Monsanto will have you believe bee's can disapeer they can handle that loss, not only is that bad juju is a recipe for disaster. Not only do i ADORE the honey bee, if i had the area i'd have my own apiary.
The role that they play in our food cycle is imperative to our foods remaining viable. If the average person had any clue how valuable bee's are they might take action instead of sitting there doing nothing. Monsanto will have you believe bee's can disapeer they can handle that loss, not only is that bad juju is a recipe for disaster. Not only do i ADORE the honey bee, if i had the area i'd have my own apiary.

Very smart person!!!! You are 100% correct .
lol, thankyou, i liken it to being full of useless information, i learned from encyclopedia brittanica a-z not high schools! High school was a place to socialize,smoke pot, stare at hot ass girls from waitsfield and warren! I went out and bought some organic honey after reading this thread.
Always examine the fine print before communing with anyone's titties.
Oh noooooooooooo

Are you going to get in trouble?

Or is the idea to put it up, and then edit out the nude before someone gets all butt hurt and reports you?

Or to stop drawing attention to them, like I am right now? Fak....I always ruin EVERYTHING!
