Are we living in the End Times?

How's that related to the title of the thread?

cops getting away with it ........just like Baltimore and Ferguson and Cleavland and San Fran
it is taken a person to go to great measure to seek the truth ....calling it a suicide with the facts of the case is wrong anyone with common sense sees that ........but the refusal of the state to even take up the case under review and just automatically going with the county police report

the cops violated the law by trying to force the person to stop recording then arresting the person (that came out of a case from in Baltimore) gives u the citizen the right to record the police on public land (the police can take the phone as evidence but it must be returned to u with in 90 days or u can file a claim for the value)

it is more proof if u have a badge u can do what u want ....2 sets of rules if not more apply not 1 set of rules for everyone much more can u get just missing the police to always being in full riot gear stopping ppl for any reason they want ..........that whole thing about her dying was over not using a turn signal
cops getting away with it ........just like Baltimore and Ferguson and Cleavland and San Fran
it is taken a person to go to great measure to seek the truth ....calling it a suicide with the facts of the case is wrong anyone with common sense sees that ........but the refusal of the state to even take up the case under review and just automatically going with the county police report

the cops violated the law by trying to force the person to stop recording then arresting the person (that came out of a case from in Baltimore) gives u the citizen the right to record the police on public land (the police can take the phone as evidence but it must be returned to u with in 90 days or u can file a claim for the value)

it is more proof if u have a badge u can do what u want ....2 sets of rules if not more apply not 1 set of rules for everyone much more can u get just missing the police to always being in full riot gear stopping ppl for any reason they want ..........that whole thing about her dying was over not using a turn signal
Yeah I get all that, but isn't the OP asking about "end times"? Are you saying rampant police corruption is a sign of the end times?
Yeah I get all that, but isn't the OP asking about "end times"? Are you saying rampant police corruption is a sign of the end times?

i am saying OPEN police abuse ..........every week it is something new from somewhere new......but no one is doing anything about ppl's daily life is so bad if they look up from where they are stepping they are going to trip

this shit has been going on forever but not like this not in the OPEN not making the news every week ...........isn't that 1984 or did i misread it
i am saying OPEN police abuse ..........every week it is something new from somewhere new......but no one is doing anything about ppl's daily life is so bad if they look up from where they ae stepping they are going to trip

this shit has been going on forever but not like this not in the OPEN not making the news every week ...........isn't that 1984 or did i misread it
I'm sure it has been going on just like this if not more in the past, there's just a camera in everybody's pocket these days

Eric Garner, Sean Bell, Oscar Grant.. all caught on cell phone cameras
I'm sure it has been going on just like this if not more in the past, there's just a camera in everybody's pocket these days

Eric Garner, Sean Bell, Oscar Grant.. all caught on cell phone cameras

yes 1984 .......a eye is always on u (most of europe safety system is based off cameras everywhere)

but as where we do wrong and get punished for it .......they do not (Cleveland where the cop got out and shot the kid with in 2 secs of getting on site ) the only reason charges where filed was do to the parents using a law on the books to force them to charge the cop

as anyone sees in the video they gave the kid no chance .....drove up open the door shot a 12 year old before they could yell freeze police ........and it takes the parents pushing for the cop to be charged the police was willing to clear him
yes 1984 .......a eye is always on u (most of europe safety system is based off cameras everywhere)

but as where we do wrong and get punished for it .......they do not (Cleveland where the cop got out and shot the kid with in 2 secs of getting on site ) the only reason charges where filed was do to the parents using a law on the books to force them to charge the cop

as anyone sees in the video they gave the kid no chance .....drove up open the door shot a 12 year old before they could yell freeze police ........and it takes the parents pushing for the cop to be charged the police was willing to clear him
What's the connection between police corruption and "the end times"?
What's the connection between police corruption and "the end times"?
who is the first form of control.......who is the one that is the physical side of Law .....who is going to be the first line of soldiers to force others views on the masses

since 911 local police forces are more like local army with the upgrade in tech weapons armor and transport

they are already dividing the line of rule for US and THEM ......the idea of a fair and just system is gone the world is slowly being changed and taken over into something else

isn't that what everyone saids the end time starts with unjust rule ....the fall of a empire/babylon and the rise of a new system to replace the old ....where in the just/faithful/innocent suffers unduly and unfairly
who is the first form of control.......who is the one that is the physical side of Law .....who is going to be the first line of soldiers to force others views on the masses

since 911 local police forces are more like local army with the upgrade in tech weapons armor and transport

they are already dividing the line of rule for US and THEM ......the idea of a fair and just system is gone the world is slowly being changed and taken over into something else

isn't that what everyone saids the end time starts with unjust rule ....the fall of a empire/babylon and the rise of a new system to replace the old ....where in the just/faithful/innocent suffers unduly and unfairly
If you take issue with the current system, police corruption and what not, then wouldn't you welcome a fresh start?

The problem is you can't hit the 'reset' button without a little bit of friction
If you take issue with the current system, police corruption and what not, then wouldn't you welcome a fresh start?

The problem is you can't hit the 'reset' button without a little bit of friction

i take issue with the action and the response from the public ..........they are turning into mindless cattle with attention span of maybe 2 days unless the news media has nothing better to keep talking about

look at it all just step back and logically look at everything is wrong something is setting it up to fail ...every day gets little worst then the day before
....the american dream is dead life as we know it can not keep going on this path not enough of everything ....we are passed the point of no return

the farming for our food ....we are at our current limits but the worlds demand for more is still increasing 15% is automatically converted to fuel

fuel and other energy methods ....look at the price of oil right now and what the oil ppl want for gas the current price gas at pumps should be 1.30 lower then they are (55 bucks a barrel) father and i sawl something about in 2006 about a india scientist making a great discovery this little 2x2 black square had 100% thermal to electrical conversion ....i sawl the report one time then gone i can not find a word on it

where we live ....we are pushing into nature more and more with out though of what if ......we do not adapt we force the land to adapt to us then nature does her thing and gone (floods fires lack of water) .........look at india a good amount of ppl are using poisoned well water (just happend in west virgina again )

the ocean fish are poison .......check yourself the lvls of mercury has slowly been increasing in most food stock fish using them as a main source of protein will shorten your life and slowly drive u insane

the police gearing up and acting if they are above the laws the rest of us have to fallow
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i take issue with the action and the response from the public ..........they are turning into mindless cattle with attention span of maybe 2 days unless the news media has nothing better to keep talking about

look at it all just step back and logically look at everything is wrong something is setting it up to fail ...every day gets little worst then the day before
....the american dream is dead life as we know it can not keep going on this path not enough of everything ....we are passed the point of no return

the farming for our food ....we are at our current limits but the worlds demand for more is still increasing 15% is automatically converted to fuel

fuel and other energy methods ....look at the price of oil right now and what the oil ppl want for gas the current price gas at pumps should be 1.30 lower then they are (55 bucks a barrel) father and i sawl something about in 2006 about a india scientist making a great discovery this little 2x2 black square had 100% thermal to electrical conversion ....i sawl the report one time then gone i can not find a word on it

where we live ....we are pushing into nature more and more with out though of what if ......we do not adapt we force the land to adapt to us then nature does her thing and gone (floods fires lack of water) .........look at india a good amount of ppl are using poisoned well water (just happend in west virgina again )

the ocean fish are poison .......check yourself the lvls of mercury has slowly been increasing in most food stock fish using them as a main source of protein will shorten your life and slowly drive u insane

the police gearing up and acting if they are above the laws the rest of us have to fallow
Well, in any case.. This ^^^ certainly isn't the way to change it..
Well, in any case.. This ^^^ certainly isn't the way to change it..
change what .....there is no point

it has come down to war bloody ugly merciless war.....history has shown us what will happen what to except........ the cycle goes on .....the death of one system and the birth of another (they have found ruins that wreck all known history with sewers and highway networks 25,000+ years ago )

it will keep going on and on and on and on until ppl the masses stop playing the game ....stand up and refuse to accept it ...demand something better become something better

at this point nothing to do ppl are fools and are doomed to a horrible ending ( note is not the ppl in general fault not at all it is the 1% in control fault ) why and how u ask ........simple the way u are taught to always look at what is different about someone never to look at what is the same so hate fear mistrust spreads ....and the killer fact the world is based on GREED gain as much as u can any way u can (look at history and the methods used)

i do not want to change it nor stop it ..........if anything i want it to fucking speed along so i can see the ending while i am still able to fight/work/think to a degree where i can effect the outcome for me and the few nice ppl i have found ( watching the downfall of life is not fun or enjoyable but getting to release my darker side on assholes is)
u want to fix things ok

1 the oil company disband them and make their holdings owned by the local governments
2 the mass wealth of the 1% is taken and distributed to everyone (the rich can keep 50 million per family member) really do u need more
3 all research firms ( bio/tech/food all of them) are now linked and freely sharing info
4 sorry but medical care is socialized ....again all medical system are interlinked
5 all schooling is open to anyone at free of charge ( all lvls of school)
6 all tech that has been bought up and hidden away by corps is release to the public (doing this would completely destroy several fields ) this includes governments

that is just to start off the top of my head
And so, a year or more ago I started this thread, more than anything to try to gauge whether or not I was going mad. I am still undecided. Lol. Not wanting to display confirmation bias, I am genuinely interested whether anyone who has taken part in it have changed their minds, or has anyone anything to add?