I am using two t-5's too and I have them like 2 or 3 inches above the seedlings. I heard if they are like 3 feet above, it will over stretch the plants. I thought u were suposed to keep the seedslings like 2 or 3 inches above them? Am I wrong?
Yea bud I think we found your problem. T5's are pretty damn strong
lights... I think 2 or 3 inches only applies to like cfl's when we're talking
I have my t5's 3 foot above the seedlings and they are not streching at
all... and even if they do with seedlings a little strech is not such a bad
thing... can be fixed with some pop sickle sticks or something similar till
the stalk gets stronger.
I'd suggest moving the lights up to at least 2 feet above them minimum...
I'd do that and if you see a strech them use something to hold them up
and drop the lights down very little if at all.
Anyone have any comments here... do you think that 3 inches is close for
a T5?