FYI: gold dropping is good. Means investors feel more secure. Gold is a 'terror' purchase in my books. Late '70's saw gold near $900.
Also, every developed country has been printing$/devaluing their currency. Currency wars always occur when trade slumps. It's no holds barred out there in int'l trade/exports. My .02
NaN: obama will go down as a much better prez in history than Bush2 (a disaster who never financed 2 foreign wars and left the US with a massive debt). His skin colour is irrelevant (or should be). Personally, I find him very likeable though i disagree with drones,etc. Clinton is, without a doubt, one of the smartest people I've ever heard speak. His knowledge and insight is simply stunning. Reagan: crafty but vacous. GB1: put in his time in govt but had no ideas. GB2: retard son (a puppet). Nixon: very shrewd but no morals. i could go on but you"ll probably feel inferior NaN (as you should).