mate true uk cheese IS so clone only, the original plant was an extremely stinky and potent ONE-OFF phenotype in a pack of sensi seeds skunk#1 in the late eighties, the guy who planted it outside cloned off this plant and his mates named it cheese coz of the extreme stink, cuts were being handed out up and down the country, the guy behind big buddha seeds got hold of one of these clones and ruined it by crossing it with an afghani father killing the smell, taste and potency and is now selling the seeds as cheese, not cheese x afghani as it should be sold as, and recently greenhouse took these seeds grew them out and are marketing these as their own cheese in usual arjan style! Greenhouse seeds dont get me wrong they sell good quality genetics at a good price, ive got ghs church in bloom and their NL#5xhaze mist in veg, but arjan is a rip off merchant, alot of their strains are taken straight out of mr nice's seedbank or sensi's and alot of old school growers here in the uk are boycotting greenhouse because of it. But dont take my word for it, check out international cannagraphics and uk420's forums, these guys know their cheese! Big buddha cheese and greenhouse cheese aint got shit on the original, they dont look or smell nothing like it because of its dominant afghani father, true uk cheese will stink yr whole house out from 3wks of veg regardless of carbon filters or ozone generators! Im vegging some big buddha cheese and the smell is, well, normal for a weed plant in veg. But im not all against, the bbc and ghs cheese stil turn out fuckin nice just not the same. Look my man down the growshop who i know very well is getting some true cheese cuts in about 6wks, il be buying one of them and sticking it in my veg room till its old enough to take a fair few cuts from, i dunno where in the uk u guys are but if ur interested in seeing for yrself the power of true cheese, pm me and il pm u when my cuts are rooted!