Martin omally apologizes for saying "all lives matter"


Well-Known Member
I would have had more respect for him if he would have stood his ground and said that all lives do matter. I just don't understand why only black lives matter. I'm middle eastern, do our lives matter?
I would have had more respect for him if he would have stood his ground and said that all lives do matter. I just don't understand why only black lives matter. I'm middle eastern, do our lives matter?
All lives DO matter. But the point being made, is black lives have not and still don't hold the same value in this country. That's the reason for the movement, it's not their belief that ONLY black lives matter; it's the fight for a black life to be worth the same as a white life.
All lives DO matter. But the point being made, is black lives have not and still don't hold the same value in this country. That's the reason for the movement, it's not their belief that ONLY black lives matter; it's the fight for a black life to be worth the same as a white life.

How do you measure this?

If you take the metrics from crime statistics, black people are killing black people in record numbers. It isnt whit people doing it. Maybe White people value life more since they are not the ones typically doing the killing.

Black people should learn from this.

How much value is a life and how is that measured exactly? Seems like feel good gobbledygook to me...
Race has nothing to do with crime, t's socioeconomics.l Look at white vs black people living in similar conditions at the same wealth level..crime statistics are almost exactly the same..if you compare inner city poor blacks to suburban wealthy whites....or inner city poor whites to suburban wealthy blacks for that matter.....well ya there will be a huge difference in crime stats.
I would have had more respect for him if he would have stood his ground and said that all lives do matter. I just don't understand why only black lives matter. I'm middle eastern, do our lives matter?

hot dayumn! a new mussie!:lol:

just fucking with you:wink:

i think if that black bitch who kept firing questions at o'malley would have let him answer a fucking question..she came off rude, unprofessional and most certainly the epitome of stereotype which a whole culture desperately wishes to play down.

i wonder where obama stands on netroots' concerns?

last time i checked, he was still at 1600 pennsylvania ave nw and will be for another 18 months.
How do you measure this?

If you take the metrics from crime statistics, black people are killing black people in record numbers. It isnt whit people doing it. Maybe White people value life more since they are not the ones typically doing the killing.

Black people should learn from this.

How much value is a life and how is that measured exactly? Seems like feel good gobbledygook to me...

Why are black people killing other black people? Do you think it's simply embedded in their genetics? Or would you argue that it's an issue of demographics and environment?

Don't bother responding, these were rhetorical questions. Any "thinking" individual would have already pondered these topics before making a dumb-ass response as you have just made.
How do you measure this?

If you take the metrics from crime statistics, black people are killing black people in record numbers. It isnt whit people doing it. Maybe White people value life more since they are not the ones typically doing the killing.

Black people should learn from this.

How much value is a life and how is that measured exactly? Seems like feel good gobbledygook to me...
Dumbest fucking post of the week goes to...

How's this for value. Ever looked at the capital murder statistics for interracial murders in this country?

White Defendant / Black Victim (31)

Black Defendant / White Victim (294)

Why are white lives more valuable than black lives in the eyes of the justice system? Also, if I commit a crime (No criminal record) and a white guy commits the exact same crime (also no criminal record), my sentence is, on average, twice as long? I could go on all day with this shit, but why complain? My president is black, right?
black people are killing black people in record numbers. It isnt whit people doing it. Maybe White people value life more since they are not the ones typically doing the killing.

Black people should learn from this.

wow, you are not only retarded, but racist as well.

the black on black murder rate is about 90%. the white on white murder rate is about 85%.

the black on white murder rate is about 85% of what would be expected, given how often blacks encounter whites.

the white n black murder rate is over 150% of what would be expected, given how often whites encounter blacks.

in other words, blacks victimize whites at a lower rate than RANDOM CHANCE would predict.

but white victimize blacks at a much higher rate than random chance would predict, almost double.

so it is actually white people who are the ones typically doing the killing.

stick to being a racist dipshit cleaning pools in apache junction.
How do you measure this?

If you take the metrics from crime statistics, black people are killing black people in record numbers. It isnt whit people doing it. Maybe White people value life more since they are not the ones typically doing the killing.

Black people should learn from this.

How much value is a life and how is that measured exactly? Seems like feel good gobbledygook to me...
I personally don't think any lives matter all that much. But until the gov't starts treating everyone equally, giving the same worth to minorities. It's not about what citizens are doing to citizens, yes there's a problem there. You can't start fixing those issues until the institutions whose job it is to work toward solutions begin to acknowledge and treat the people affected with the same respect they would afford to a white community.