Everything MMA Thread


More bullshit from the Reebok deal..
Word is jose aldo threatend to sue sonnen and the ufc for defamation. check out the amount of dislikes on youtube on the latest episode of embedded, the people are pissed about the way the ufc does buisness and it seems stitch was the straw that broke the camels back.
Seems reebok placed all the blame on the ufc as well.
Could only make it 30 seconds. Bill Burr Wouldn't be shit if he never tore into that philly crowd, he's an annoying ginger loud mouth himself so it makes sense that he finds another annoying ginger loud mouth dis-likable. He's pissed Connor is selling more seats and doing a better job being an annoying ginger loud mouth then Bill has in his 20+ years of trying so fucking hard.

Maybe he's doing a bit? I don't know, seems super hypocritical from someone who literally made their career off talking shit to fat drunk people and telling them how trash they are.

Bill Burr got a look in the mirror and didn't like what he sees. Connor most likely sold more tickets to that fight with Mendes then Bill Burr has combined over his entire career.

Man it's like a B-grade actor criticizing George Clooney.
Wanderlei Silva on UFC corruption

"Things just took another interesting turn in the ongoing dispute between Wanderlei Silva and the UFC. The former Pride Champion and UFC headliner has been persona-non-grata since fleeing drug testing officials in the lead up to his bout with Chael Sonnen following the two men's stint on the Ultimate Fighter. Because of his failure to submit to random drug testing, Silva was handed a lifetime ban from competition by the Nevada State Athletic Commission. That sentence has since been overturned in the courts, but in the year since his ban Silva has entrenched himself against the UFC with a war of words that has been continually escalating.

An outspoken critic of the UFC's clauses controlling image rights, their recent out-of-competition drug testing plans, and the UFC's new Reebok uniforms, Silva may have just crossed a new line. In a set of posts on Facebook, Silva accused the UFC of hosting fixed fights, implying heavily that the UFC themselves are in on the fix, and that he has proof. Here's what Silva had to say in an initial post (translation via MMAJunkie):

"They fired him. That's right. They fired ‘Stitch' for standing against this theft being perpetrated on the athletes. So I wonder, ‘why don't they fire me?' I already said I do not want to, nor will I work any more for to this promotion. And they won't dismiss me. That's what happens to those who speak the truth in this company; they're driven out. They have no respect for anyone. I've made it very clear to you all that I will never again fight for this promotion, the U.F. Circus. Fixed fights - and I can prove it! I haven't yet dropped the bomb. I haven't said everything I know!"

And in a followup, making his implications more direct that it's the UFC themselves behind the fight fixing:

"Either you do what they tell you, or you're fired. I won't give up until they free the athletes. This promoter is killing our sport. There are fighters going back to work to support their families because they can't live from the sport alone. They're very poorly paid. We are getting organized and soon I'll have news for my brothers in the ring. This will not stand! Some have tried to buy me, but I am not, nor have I ever been for sale. And I will fight to the end, to unmask these promoters, who are deceiving the public, cheating, and taking the dignity and the honor from our sport! This is turning a pro-wrestling show with fixed fights. We have to stop these guys because that's the end of the line for us!"

Those are some serious accusations for him to level and it will be interesting to see if the UFC takes direct legal action, or what evidence Silva can in fact produce. It's one thing for him to criticize the UFC's business moves and for him to claim that his career has been torpedoed unjustly, but he's now effectively accusing the UFC of breaking the law to a pretty serious extent. If there is any merit behind his statements the fallout could be huge. If there isn't, the fallout for Silva himself could be every bit as damaging."


Damn, those sound like some pretty serious accusations coming from a pretty top tier guy.. What do you guys think?
Im gonna boycott any ppv and canceled my fight pass it not even about the fighters getting payed anymore its about the fans there the ones getting the shaft with water down fights and having the fighters fight for us. There not even fighting for money anymore there doing it for the love of the fans and the sport.
Its just sick how some corporate asholes can shit on this great sport of ours and then laugh in our faces! On twitter and social media. Fucking dicks.
Im only gonna watch the free stuff.
Im gonna boycott any ppv and canceled my fight pass it not even about the fighters getting payed anymore its about the fans there the ones getting the shaft with water down fights and having the fighters fight for us. There not even fighting for money anymore there doing it for the love of the fans and the sport.
Its just sick how some corporate asholes can shit on this great sport of ours and then laugh in our faces! On twitter and social media. Fucking dicks.
Im only gonna watch the free stuff.
IDK what's up with corporate.. I know Reebok isn't to blame, as much as the narrative that's been suggesting it is.. things like fighter compensation and union deals should be at the forefront of the movement. All fighters should be getting paid much more than they currently are, especially considering the profits the UFC has enjoyed the past few years..

Whether these comments by Wanderlei are legit or not, the sentiment is legit: fighters put their lives on the line, quite literally, and the bottom tier, mid tier guys aren't legitimately compensated for it. They create the hype and ensure fans buy the tickets, yet they don't enjoy any of the profits from the promotion.. It's nothing short of complete bullshit.

The only thing that will change this is a valid fighters union. Someone like Randy Couture or GSP would be a prime candidate for the leader. Demand fair fighter pay, stricter drug screening, unpartial judges and implement professional improvements for gloves, universal cage size, weight cutting, etc..
Im gonna boycott any ppv and canceled my fight pass it not even about the fighters getting payed anymore its about the fans there the ones getting the shaft with water down fights and having the fighters fight for us. There not even fighting for money anymore there doing it for the love of the fans and the sport.
Its just sick how some corporate asholes can shit on this great sport of ours and then laugh in our faces! On twitter and social media. Fucking dicks.
Im only gonna watch the free stuff.

I havent supported the UFC with any PPV buys since Rhonda Rousey started Main eventing pay per views. UFC=SCAM
IDK what's up with corporate.. I know Reebok isn't to blame, as much as the narrative that's been suggesting it is.. things like fighter compensation and union deals should be at the forefront of the movement. All fighters should be getting paid much more than they currently are, especially considering the profits the UFC has enjoyed the past few years..

Whether these comments by Wanderlei are legit or not, the sentiment is legit: fighters put their lives on the line, quite literally, and the bottom tier, mid tier guys aren't legitimately compensated for it. They create the hype and ensure fans buy the tickets, yet they don't enjoy any of the profits from the promotion.. It's nothing short of complete bullshit.

The only thing that will change this is a valid fighters union. Someone like Randy Couture or GSP would be a prime candidate for the leader. Demand fair fighter pay, stricter drug screening, unpartial judges and implement professional improvements for gloves, universal cage size, weight cutting, etc..
Reebok is 50% to blame, they aren't dumb. They looked at the deal and did the math and found out the AVG. Revenue per fighter.

You think a major corporation such as Reebok didn't do the math to realize they are fucking fighters out of a tonne of money? Reebok got a killer deal, one they couldn't say no too, someone needs to tell them when it sounds too good to be true it is.

Signing 500+ professional athletes for 70 million dollars (the fighters barely get half) is a steal in any sport. Reebok seen this and jumped on it. Reebok and the UFC both took advantage of fighters and both have greatly changed fighter pay for the worse.

Reebok released their little PR statement to try and shift the blame to the UFC and apparently some people bought it.

As for this Wanderlei shit are you seriously considering anything a career long cheat and fight fixer has to say about his former employer seriously? This is like that dude that tells you how much of a hoe your girl is till you break up with her and he gets back with her. Why doesn't Wandy talk about Pride or Dream? You know the ones with CONFIRMED FIXES HE WAS A PART OF.

Fuck Wanderlei Silva guy is a piece of shit human being who never should have been signed by the UFC.

Brazillians gotta love the fact their image has gone to shit, Wanderlei Silva, RDA's Eyebrows, Anderson Silva, etc.etc.etc. Seems 1-2 times a month a Brazillian is caught cheating. From having the best fighters on the planet to being an entire country of whiny cheaters in under a year. Pretty fuckin impressive if you ask me.

How long before Eyebrows gets busted for HGH? He's not legit, there's no way. Mediocre fighter's forehead starts to look like frankenstein and becomes an unstoppable wrecking machine Just coincidence.

Also: Wanderlei was never a top tier guy in the UFC he was in pride where there are quite a few questions around the legitimacy of some of his wins.


Interesting. Maybe it's in Brazillians Genetics for their skull to transform shape when they start winning MMA fights?