How's it look?


New Member
So I read a few things that said to trim the fan leafs off during flower to focus on the flower. That's why they look the way they do. I'm just wondering how it's going. It my first grow, I'm week 5 into flower. Lemme know what you think(: I will post a few more pics


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nice ..good size room you got going there man.. me am on my first grow so will appreciate any comments good or bad..oh and also this is my first nite as a member!!! WOOT.. she is in 15th day flower how she looking so far guys?


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if referring to my most I diffently wasn't trying to hijack a post that's for sure if that wat people think I did then I greatly apologize
Thanks for the reply(: I didn't have the light real close during veg is why they are stretchy.
yeah its nit a big deal the only issue with stretchy plants aside from supporting them is that the plant has to transfer food and energy a lot farther than if you kept them stout. so just remember that next time it can help increase yields and quality cause the plant isn't focusing so much energy on transferring the food
Cutting the fan leafs off??
I'm no expert but is that a good idea?
yeah when its done right your allowing more light to your under branches and stoping the plant from producing a canopy that drowns the light out can't remove more than like 10%-15% each time
id only do it in flower and once its about 5 weeks in any sooner is pointless the plant needs the leaves to produce energy
my plants are slowly getting rid of its leaves its self so I guess I'll let nature take its course.
Just never really heard of completely de leafing, and thought they served a purpose.... I'll have to do some reading up. :)
my plants are slowly getting rid of its leaves its self so I guess I'll let nature take its course.
Just never really heard of completely de leafing, and thought they served a purpose.... I'll have to do some reading up. :)
I lolly pop at around week 2 of flower. In veg I'll prune here and there while I'm training the plant to bush out. But to defoliate the whole plant is some bs.

I went to see a friends grow and he literally stripped all his fan leaves off! Not one was left on and he is standing there with this stupid grin on his face looking all proud of his fucked up leafless plants.
Yeh I've pruned and strategically removed leaves, branches and just basically trash off the bottom that will never either catch up and reach the top of the plant or isn't getting any light....
I'm quite struggling to find any information about removing them all or any forums where any one agrees??
Also i am into week 5 of flower on Friday and my buds look slightly larger than yours... When did you remove them all?
Yeh I've pruned and strategically removed leaves, branches and just basically trash off the bottom that will never either catch up and reach the top of the plant or isn't getting any light....
I'm quite struggling to find any information about removing them all or any forums where any one agrees??
actually just watched a video on youtube type in defoilage should pop up