Bob Bitchen's buds


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I got it from backcrossing Scott's OG. I had a male I used on Rebar and BigK. I called the crosses 3Bar and 3K. I was just hoping it was a girl and I was going to get to see what she could do!



Rebar with Triangle Dad:

Triangle MIA:



Well-Known Member
A couple of months of not smoking has really lowered my tolerance, a couple of hits and im on my ass!
not complaining , jus sayin
I'm gonna be in the same boat its been about two weeks for me. I haven't went this long with smoking since my junior year in high school lol. 9 years no I did go two weeks when I did two weeks in county 6 years ago so twice last 9 years I've went this long. Will not buy bullshit I refuse when you grow dank and spoil yourself its hard to just spend your money on stuff that's not even half the quality of what you grow.