About to get 4 wisdom teeth and one other tooth out. Kinda scared.


Well-Known Member
I had an appointment for 8/4 to get it done, but it got moved up to this Monday.

The are putting me to sleep for the surgery, and ive never had anesthesia before. Anything i should know? What should i expect?
Literally, it'll be over before ya know it. Some folks get queasy, pukey afterwards but only some folks. I've been under 4 times for various stuff and I wake up starving and cranky and eat like a horse (they tell you not to eat anything after dinner the prior evening). If you get pukey, it'll only last a few hours. Don't worry
My brother got his tonsils out when we were kids. He woke up and thought a nurse was trying to kill him.

Thats the kinda shit im worried about.
They will give the mice mouse nose you will get all tired etc then put iv in arm and then once it's going they will say ok you will feel a burning sensation in/on or around you package. They will give the med it will itch for a few seconds they will walk away come back in 5 minutes ask how you feeling and you will probably say I don't feel anything and them next thing you no you will he getting helped/carried to the car. I don't no how you handle pain but if your strong motrion will work if not eat the percocet/Loritab the doc gives. Don't smoke if possible to help keep dry sockets at bay. Also tell the doc you need a few syringes to rinse put the pockets in your mouth as they heel to remove the food that gets caught down in there if not it willl leave a nasty taste in your mouth. Good.luck
What anzo said.....for you dry socket is something you don't want to happen. No smoking, no sucking drinks, dicks or straws. The after pain is not bad, I'd hoard the percs for later when my back goes out and just use motrin or midol. If you can handle the taste, a wetted teabag tucked onto the sockets is soothing
What anzo said.....for you dry socket is something you don't want to happen. No smoking, no sucking drinks, dicks or straws. The after pain is not bad, I'd hoard the percs for later when my back goes out and just use motrin or midol. If you can handle the taste, a wetted teabag tucked onto the sockets is soothing
Sounds like you been there to my friend lol
tune your mind to other things, anesthesia does this surzry is like a few minutes. just rinse it and with saltwater for three days after and walk for sorbet.
Thanks guys you made me feel better.

I am an IV herion user (call me a junkie i have no fucks given) on and off. My tolerance to painkillers is high as hell.

Hopefully it works out alright. The thought of being out cold while some guy rips my teeth out scares the hell out of me.

(Insert comment about how im not scared to stick needles in my arms but am afraid of a medical professional here)
Wow man... What a cunt. Im definitely recording my operation. The surgeon was already an ass to me when i was awake... I can't imagine if i was knocked out
Dont record OP...you wont want to see people straddling over top you yanking at your mouth with pliers..enjoy your buzz... if you are even a little coherent go ahead and start cussing at them .... Its one of the only times you can act like you have torrettes, they will think its the drugs talking
I just had 2 wisdom teth extracted last month. Put me out, didn't remember anything. A little queasy afterwards. They had to remove some bone from one side, that side was much more painful. The other side motrin would have be enough but with the bone removal I needed Percs for about 10 days. GL
Shit I had all mine out a couple months ago. I got the Michael Jackson milk. I see why he loved it so much. If they could just hold you at that point of euphoria before you go under a little longer...They told me I wouldnt be out totally but I wont remember much of it afterwards and they were right. I remember the sound of what to me sounded just like a socket wrench turning and that was it. That was it. They gave me 10 Vicodan and since I am an opiate addict in remission, I just ate all 10 of em in a couple hours.
It was much easier than I thought it would be and my days of white knuckles in the chair are finally over for good.
Fuck 'em damn teeth anyway.
Dont sweat it. Thats child pain lol. After them oral anesthetic shots, everything is all g untill a few hours after that. I've bitten into a "boneless" chicken from a local restaurant, the fucking bone went through a molar straight into a nerve, i dropped to the ground and whined like a little bitch lol
When I was undergoing wrist surgery, I think I was like 15 at the time, the guy gives me an I.V. and I kept asking "when are you going to give me the anestesha" and he said after I pump some fluids in your system... So the doctor starts I.V.ing what I thought to be "Fluids" and out of no where it hit me like a fucking train.
The last thing I remember is I look at the doctor and the 2 nurses they were bringing me in the surgery room and said "Woah" and the doctor says to me "You feeling stoned huh" and then I turn my head over and passed tf out lol
Dont sweat it. Thats child pain lol. After them oral anesthetic shots, everything is all g untill a few hours after that. I've bitten into a "boneless" chicken from a local restaurant, the fucking bone went through a molar straight into a nerve, i dropped to the ground and whined like a little bitch lol
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha my dude that sounds like it would hurt like shit.
I would of slapped whoever served me those "boneless" wings right in the mouth
This is one of the teeth being pulled. It has had an exposed nerve for 3 months. It was a hole through my tooth that i had to clean out after i ate. It has been infected for over a year but until recently indidnt have insurance.

2 weeks ago inwas cleaning it out and the tooth broke. Id hardly call it childs pain.

The wisdom teeth were supposed to come out a few years ago, but i refused to let the surgeon do it (i was in prison and had seen his work)

In order to have this tooth pulled my wisdom teeth gotta go too. Something about the way they sit against my other teeth i guess.

The pain in my wisdom teeth (only the bottom ones hurt sucks..... Tje pain caused by this infected and exposed nerve....... Even my heroin doesn't dull it out sometimes.

The infection also caused a swollen lymph node under my left ear. That has been there for at least a year and has progressively gotten worse. It is actually affecting my hearing.s


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