drug testing welfare recipients

white woman applies for job, gets turned down, white woman gets suntan and frizzy hair. pretends to be black
becomes leader of black group , black people cant even tell she is white

lmao, you could not write better comedy , white men cant jump part 2 does not even come close .. pal

i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"

i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok

horses for courses i guess

Are you transracial , yourself ?
Are you transracial , yourself ?

i'm sovereign.

i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"

i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok

horses for courses i guess
i'm sovereign.

i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"

i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok

horses for courses i guess

nah, we like it dirty with a little toss,,dems, of course.
i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"

i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok

horses for courses i guess

Buck was ragging on some poor disabled vet who got messed up by an IED and was on disability. So Buck thinks dude should not be able to use marijuana for his chronic back pain. Bucky only thinks like republicans, that non well to do, non property owners, non got the business acumen like Buck and republicans do, and they should not be able to enjoy the Marijuana even medicinally like Buck and the republicans do. Uncle Buck feels so entitled that no one should enjoy the fruits God has bestowed upon us except him. And the republicans. Cause Buck and the republicans are the only ones who should enjoy all the wonderful pleasures of life. Everyone except Buck and the republicans should be poor and have a barely bearable existence. No matter what the poor disabled folks have given for the rest of us to enjoy our freedoms.
I don't get it? We all done so much fucking in this life time what's the big deal? I mean the stories. lol. Damn. Rocking out as well as high and a little drunk. Peace losers.