drug testing welfare recipients


Well-Known Member
Honestly, why in the hell would you care what ANYONE in here says? Unpleasant taste? GTFOH! :finger:
If you do not care yourself, why are you talking to me about it ?

caring is good, declaring that you do not care does not make you a tough guy imo


Well-Known Member
If you do not care yourself, why are you talking to me about it ?

caring is good, declaring that you do not care does not make you a tough guy imo
Nothing to do with being a tough guy. But these people are complete strangers, nothing they say should have any affect on anyone in here. Wasn't singling you out, I was just responding to your statement.


Well-Known Member
And it felt GREAT! Want me to do it again?
The only way you can prove you do not care, is to stop typing, but why you would want to prove this is silly
just admit you thought declaring "i don't care" is just you trying to say you're a tough guy

unless.. you're a Vulcan ?


Well-Known Member
The only way you can prove you do not care, is to stop typing, but why you would want to prove this is silly
just admit you thought declaring "i don't care" is just you trying to say you're a tough guy

unless.. you're a Vulcan ?
I could do this all day. It's either this, or cleaning out my garage. So yeah.


Well-Known Member
I could do this all day. It's either this, or cleaning out my garage. So yeah.
i do not care what anyone on the internet says about me because i have full control over my feelings i am a real tough guy
whenever i see someone on the internet showing feelings and caring i think to myself, you should not care you should be like me
a real tough guy, but of course i do not care if they care, because that would be caring and i do not care

to put it another way, in case you do not understand, i do not give a fuck what you think
but i am going to type with you for about 2 hours just so you understand how much i do not care
now i am stuck in a paradox, i really want to type but if i type that means he is right
perhaps i can just go away for a while then come back later, that way it will still look like i do not care

fuck i am such a tough guy


Well-Known Member
i do not care what anyone on the internet says about me because i have full control over my feelings i am a real tough guy
whenever i see someone on the internet showing feelings and caring i think to myself, you should not care you should be like me
a real tough guy, but of course i do not care if they care, because that would be caring and i do not care

to put it another way, in case you do not understand, i do not give a fuck what you think
but i am going to type with you for about 2 hours just so you understand how much i do not care
now i am stuck in a paradox, i really want to type but if i type that means he is right
perhaps i can just go away for a while then come back later, that way it will still look like i do not care

fuck i am such a tough guy
I was gonna read all that, but then I changed my mind.


Well-Known Member
Are you referring to the bulbous erection planted firmly in your anus? I am sure plenty of folks, whom enjoy anal sex, may be jealous of the "bulbous" erection, planted firmly in your anus. I for one, am not one of them.
Your preceding statement is in direct contradiction to the aforementioned. You madam are both a hypocrite and a liar. And not very bright. beenthere, done that.