Veg with t-5 flower with 600 watt hps/ 3 Jack Frost clones


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg Nice and green seem to be doing something right with this bring my first time using a 600watt hps . There's going to be some pretty big colas in these girls


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't use lights in flowering when it's supposed to be dark, don't get surprised if it turns hermie,even if it's a lights only In the 12 hour dark period! But they do look really nice so far:clap:
Thanks man


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't use lights in flowering when it's supposed to be dark, don't get surprised if it turns hermie,even if it's a lights only In the 12 hour dark period! But they do look really nice so far:clap:
Wrong...A quick flash photography session has such a minimal impact on the plant. Zero chance of hermie.


Well-Known Member
Wrong...A quick flash photography session has such a minimal impact on the plant. Zero chance of hermie.
It's more of a heads up a not to really meaning just the flash, so every time there was a picture taking u went into the room made it pitch black then opened door then took the picture just seems like to big of a risk just for a flash shot ...then sealed it back up walked out of them room pitch black


Well-Known Member
Wrong...A quick flash photography session has such a minimal impact on the plant. Zero chance of hermie.
It's more of a heads up a not to really meaning just the flash, so every time there was a picture taking u went into the room made it pitch black then opened door then took the picture just seems like to big of a risk just for a flash shot ...then sealed it back up walked out of them room pitch black
So that's why I say it would be smart to have a green light bulb


Well-Known Member
So that's why I say it would be smart to have a green light bulb
I understand stood what you meant , I actually was in there right when the lights went out to snap that picture . Other then that I don't open the tent when it's dark .

What kind of green light do you get for those purposes ? Or where do I get them ?


Well-Known Member
I actually just picked one up from Walmart for $3 mine has burnt out....just a full color green ...a lot of party stores have them as well


Well-Known Member
Just got another gift , I have no idea what I'm going to do next .
Blueberry feminized , Skunk#1 , purple paralysis, pshyco , and Frencheese