UK vs USA Seedbanks

Bean Busy

Well-Known Member
Hey RIU members. Post your opinions and reviews on the seedbanks you've had dealings with. Let us know which is your favorite and why. Which is the one you won't go back to and why.

I'm not certain, but @Beemo may know a thing or two about seedbanks. seed sales in the us are a newer thing.

Hey RIU members. Post your opinions and reviews on the seedbanks you've had dealings with. Let us know which is your favorite and why. Which is the one you won't go back to and why.
when you say "us" who are you talking about?
There's plenty of review threads here on just about all UK and USA based banks.

I know there's threads about most seedbanks already. This one was created to compare them. To make the cream rise to the top so to speak. To let people know about there good and bad transactions so there choice of which seedbank to use is more informed. Also I made this thread so people don't have to go through all the threads to find info. It will all be in one place for easy access. And most threads about certain seedbanks wouldn't want other seedbanks mentioned in there threads.
I would also like to add that with enough solid pollen chucking going around we dont have to rely on bean banks anymore

Thats true for some people in legal states or with good friends. But I'd say the majority still needs seedbanks in countries and states where it isn't legal yet.
imho, if your willing to show a breeder your serious, doing journals, being sincere, and being a man/women of your word goes alongway towards helping you get what your looking for. Sometimes you can become a tester for breeders too. Here's a saying my old D>I used to yell at me.......lcp rivers.......a closed mouth dont get fed!