Room runs to hot please help


Active Member
hi my room runs abit to hot around 28c on normal day but on hot days it can reach 35c,

its 8ftx8ft room 8ft high, have 2x 600w hps lights

1 intake air fan 6" ruck 150l

1 outtake fan 8" with a carbon filter on it,

on hot days the air coming in is still to warm so i must get more air out the room maybe?

someone said take the carbon filter off as this will let more air to be sucked out?

any advice as i would like to drop the temp a good 6-8c


Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
hi my room runs abit to hot around 28c on normal day but on hot days it can reach 35c,

its 8ftx8ft room 8ft high, have 2x 600w hps lights

1 intake air fan 6" ruck 150l

1 outtake fan 8" with a carbon filter on it,

on hot days the air coming in is still to warm so i must get more air out the room maybe?

someone said take the carbon filter off as this will let more air to be sucked out?

any advice as i would like to drop the temp a good 6-8c

Are you nuts? :D

So small room and so many watts.... take 1 x 600w out and make another room for it.


Well-Known Member
That would be a simple fix, wait til winter to start up the second light.

Or get a higher cfm fan.

Are you venting through the hoods, or ambient air?

Is a/c possible?

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
Yeah A/C or make them 6/24 and another 6/24 and place times same time when other turnoff then another turns on. That way u get good yield from all your plants and temp problem is solved :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
taking off the carbon filter will bring up your flow rate and bring down your temps. if you have access to a/c or other form of active cooling, implement it. focus on raising the flow rate on the exhaust.


Well-Known Member
Yeah A/C or make them 6/24 and another 6/24 and place times same time when other turnoff then another turns on. That way u get good yield from all your plants and temp problem is solved :blsmoke:
or you could just leave one(1) on 12 hours. Whats the point of that? hah


Well-Known Member
That is not a lot of watts at all! Why would you even say some shit like that!
You could use at least twice as many 600's in a room that size if you could cool it down. If the room has a window, a small AC unit at walmart can be had for a hundred bucks or less. I am using a 10' x 10' x 7' room to flower with a window AC and can get the temps down to 65 degrees in the afternoon(100+ outside). I am only using one 430 watt son agrow light setup right now, but will add more when I get the money for it.


Well-Known Member
If you dont have them already, get four box fans and run those on high in the room spread out, otherwise next u will have mildew and mold everywhere. Heat kills crops, NO JOKE, u weill lose a whole crop if u let heat control your room

You have 3 options, only 1 is a good choice

1.Bigger CFM fan. You should have atleast a 800 CFM moving out of that room, 1000CFM would be ideal. Its a big room!

2.Airconditioner. This will help, but u really need better airflow before u worry about this

3.Turn off a light. Do u really want to lose that much bud? u are losing ounces everyime those plants get heat stressed, so it's better to keep the heat lower and have less light. Get a nice fan for those poor things. Those are your babies, but they don't cry if they arent happy, they steal weed from you.