mr sunshine
Well-Known Member
Why are her shoulders so square in her mug shot, Is she laying on the ground?
Cool story're a fucking dumbass.
This attorney disagrees with you. not really looking for an argument I personally thought you were required to exit the vehicle if you are stopped by the cops.
Why was it a big deal that he asked her to put her cigarette out? Kinda seems like a common courtesy, but I wouldnt know since I do not smoke cigs. He only told her to get out of the car because she got snippy about the cig. Long story short the cop is a dick for his attitude through the whole thing but ultimately her actions lead to her incarceration and untimely death.
Supreme court disagrees with your assessmentHe only demanded that because she refused to put out her cig though. He escalated it to that point. In order to give her the lawful order to exit the vehicle, he either has to have probable cause to search or place her under arrest. Both are easy to substantiate but it can be argued easily by the dashcam video that he didn't.
I think that by arguing with him, she was teasing a pit bull. That's why pit bulls should not be cops.
Wasnt aware she was murdered....
you guys dont seriously think some jail gaurds killed a woman to cover what amounts to a minor scuffle and maybe some suspension without pay on the cops part do you? Because it is ridiculous to assume they would just kill someone because a cop needs a favor.... maybe say it ou loud and you will realize how much you are reaching for this to be another cause.
She was under arrest at that point. Doesn't matter whether the cop has a valid reason or not. He doesn't have to announce that either. Asking her out of the car is a legal order
cop told her she was under arrest. after she argued she didn't have to get out of the car."step out of the car"
"no thanks, i'm not under arrest"
that's all you have to say. has worked for me before.
Cool story bro...
I quoted you because I wanted to know your response to the link I posted, I guess thats what I get for expecting a convo to happen in politics.
you're right, she probably just got negro-reeferitis and suddenly became suicidal over a traffic stop and hung her 6 foot frame from a 5' wall partition.
we all know cops never do shit like this. especially to black women.
I stand corrected. I have always been under the impression that you have to be placed under arrest in order to be given this order.Supreme court disagrees with your assessment
If it makes you feel any better I would consider it my fault if I got arrested and had to look back on these events happening to me a white male.i guess the part where you said it was her fault for getting illegally arrested and then murdered was where you went off the tracks.
If it makes you feel any better I would consider it my fault if I got arrested and had to look back on these events happening to me a white male.
I have plenty of cops give me attitude. You can handle it like she did and it ends pretty much the same with you in cuffs in a squad car.
Or you can grit your teeth, be as pleasant as possible and get through the bull shit. I guess I personally dont give cops a reason to go "fishing" because they wouldn't have to dig far to find something to charge me with. Which is why when I get pulled over for stupid shit I am polite in order to get it over whether I did what they say or not.
no he didn't.
start at 2:40
last night they say a cryptic.......she was found to have "abnormally high thc levels in her system at time of death" wtf is that supposed to mean? Fucken texas good ole boys pullin another fast one!i've been following the story for a while now and the details just do not add up in any way.
they tried to say she committed suicide after "smoking or ingesting large quantities of marijuana" in prison?
that makes no fucking sense. the woman was not suicidal.
80 years later and they are still trying to use being black and marijuana as self-explanatory reasons as to why somoene whould kill themselves.
run these fuckers up on murder.
For just one second, try NOT to look at this through the eyes of a white male. Of course it would have been your fault. Take a look at Buck's video above. Using Sandra Bland's standard, that cat should have been shot on the spot. But guess what? He got to go home to his family. What do you think the cops would do to me if I tried to pull that shit in the video above? Serious question.If it makes you feel any better I would consider it my fault if I got arrested and had to look back on these events happening to me a white male.
DING DING DING! this man is paying attention and right on track! Couldnt agree more, and we dont talk him and i so its not a conspiracy either lmaoCock sucker. He was having a power trip and didn't like a black female standing her ground. Absolutely no reason for him to take things to that point. I have zero respect for law enforcement.