any thoughts on yield?

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Lol was just about to go to sleep 1am monday night here.
When we check in tomorrow there will be 6 or more replies from the bean stalk grower i bet.



Active Member
This is the best answer you are going to get.

You really need to calm down and listen, otherwise you will learn nothing and keep growing like an idiot.

And that is total yield with all plants together.
Stop acting like you know what you are doing, you do not know jack.
Yes I do kn ow what im saying..people get a half oz 12/12 from are a moron if u think s 4 foot plant with a dozen plus side branches will only yield a half oz. Ive watched people grow start to finish. I know what im tslkin about. Guess i was lookin for reconfirmation from others. Sadly you mostly are pathetic ggrowers on here. Half oz from a plant thatb been growing over 4 You suck and you sir dont know jack. Hang up your watering can. You suck


Active Member
Lmfao, it already yielded
Lol..ya thats someone elses plant..about 6 grams was pulled off that Theres a guy saying thats the amount of bud ill get off a 2 foot healthy plant with lots of branching thats been vegging over 2 months and will continue to veg for weeks. Guess thats a common yield for growers on this forum. Thats a pathetic yield. I feel sad for these guys.


Well-Known Member
Lol..ya thats someone elses plant..about 6 grams was pulled off that Theres a guy saying thats the amount of bud ill get off a 2 foot healthy plant with lots of branching thats been vegging over 2 months and will continue to veg for weeks. Guess thats a common yield for growers on this forum. Thats a pathetic yield. I feel sad for these guys.
I'll be lucky to get an oz from this gal.IMG_20150727_174211437_HDR.jpgIMG_20150722_160914990_HDR.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yes I do kn ow what im saying..people get a half oz 12/12 from are a moron if u think s 4 foot plant with a dozen plus side branches will only yield a half oz. Ive watched people grow start to finish. I know what im tslkin about. Guess i was lookin for reconfirmation from others. Sadly you mostly are pathetic ggrowers on here. Half oz from a plant thatb been growing over 4 You suck and you sir dont know jack. Hang up your watering can. You suck
