The growing threat of right wing terrorism

How does pointing out that blacks are statistically twice as violent as white using one of your buddies statistical data sets that was used to repudiate my argument make me look stupid?
Does this have to do with poverty, hell yes. I did not say you were wrong about that. The liberals have controlled education for decades, I am a teacher I would know. The Democrats want a slave class, they have it in the blacks.
I cannot imagine two parties mutually "switching places" usually one party tries to dominant the other, tell me how they mutually decide to switch places and completely reverse policies simultaneously to one anothers opposing ideals? You are a fucktard.
So the republican party is still progressive?

And you say you can't imagine. You have an amazing imagination.
blacks are statistically twice as violent as white

no they aren't, they are just in poverty at a much greater rate.

you wanted to talk about interracial crime, so i did. i pointed out that white commit more crimes against blacks than random chance owuld predict, while blacks don't even commit as many crimes against whites as chance would predict.
I cannot imagine two parties mutually "switching places" usually one party tries to dominant the other, tell me how they mutually decide to switch places and completely reverse policies simultaneously to one anothers opposing ideals? You are a fucktard.
u aint so smrtz, iz u?

1. Between 1931 and 1939 the number of Jews in Poland reduced with 480,900 (15.4%) due to Jewish emigration and high excess mortality, to 2,633,000.
2. Of these, 1,026,000 were in Soviet-occupied Poland, so theoretically 1,607,000 remained under German government.
3. Hundreds of thousands fled to Soviet territory right away (among them the late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin), while the Germans also expelled large groups of Jews over the border. West German, Zionist, American and Polish sources leave no doubt that after the German occupation, only 757,000 Jews came under German administration (Sanning, p. 39 ff).
In Germany 1939 were in 240,000 Jews, in Austria 191,408, in Czechoslovakia 356,830 and in Danzig 10,448. This makes the number of Jews under German rule inclusive occupied half of Poland 1,555,686. Three years later, in 1942, caused by emigration, flight and other causes according to Sanning’s Jewish sources there were in Germany 164,000 Jews, 50,000 in Austria, 255,000 in Czechoslovakia and about 10,000 in Danzig, total 479,000, which reduced the factual number of Jews under German government in 1942 nearly 320,000 to 1,236,448.
An earlier war phase brought Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France under German hegemony, where according to Jewish statements were 466,911 Jews. The factual number of Jews under German administration in 1941 became by that 1,703,359.
With the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Eastern Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and part of European Russia came under German rule. We reckon all 252,907 Jews from the Baltic States, notwithstanding indications that many managed to escape or were killed by local militias and retreating Soviets.
In Eastern Poland, Belarus and Ukraine less than 1 million Jews were present during the German advance of 1941. Of the original Jewish population there were large numbers (Sanning 1,550,000) deliberately or otherwise transferred Eastward by the Soviets. This totals the number of Jews under German regime at2,956,266.
After the invasion of the Soviet Union ("Barbarossa") according to Sanning 80% of all Jews in the Russian front theatre were evacuated by the Soviets, so those never came into contact with German troops.

In December 1942 Soviet Communist David Bergelson, Zionist propagandist and secretary of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committees in Moscow, wrote (Sanning, p. 114):

"The evacuation saved the vast majority of Jews from Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia. According to information from Vitebsk, Riga and other cities occupied by the fascists, there were only a few Jews when the Germans arrived. Thus a large part of the Polish and Baltic Jews was absorbed by the USSR. "
By shifting of the front deeper into Russian areas with many Jews, there was the Stalin Ukase of "scorched earth": significant groups fled further Eastward and many Jews were inclined in the Moscow-organized partisan army. The remaining number of Jews effectively under German rule varies by source, but according to Sanning was less than 1 million.
Adding up all other countries under German rule (Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, according to Sanning’s Jewish sources total 1,047,400 Jews, the overall number of Jews under German regime derived from the American Jewish Committee and the Statistical Bureau of the Jewish Synagogue Council of America totals 4,003,666, barely 4 million.

The 'standardwork' by Wolfgang Benz, director of the German Office for Combating Anti-Semitism, whose numbers of Jewish victims one can be sure of not to be ‘antisemitic’, is not surprisingly ‘5.2 to 6 million murdered Jews’. The book appeared in 1991, eight years after Sanning, although Sanning was not mentioned in it and none of his detailed figures was overturned. Benz's book is full of double counting, false assumptions, errors and ‘mistakes’; so he called all 1939 Jews who in 1946 were not registered at their hometowns, "killed by the Nazis” and conceals 700,000 expatriate Polish Jews since 1931. In a sublime comparison of Sanning's work with Benz by revisionist Germar Rudolf, the Benz 'book is rightfully refuted as fraudulent. For those interested: Holocaust Victims: A Statistical Analysis. W. Benz and WN Sanning - A Comparison. (Published in:Dissecting the Holocaust, The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Holocaust', Holocaust Handbook Series, p. 181. Theses & Dissertations Press, PO Box 257768, Chicago, IL 60625, USA. ISBN 0-9679856-2-5. downloads of this and other revisionist works on Free_Downloads_from_VHO ).

Professor Sanning used Jewish sources only, because he considered Nazi sources (Wannsee Protokoll andKorherr Report) being (too) inaccurate and unreliable.
Nevertheless, even these too high estimations of the Nazi Wannsee Protokoll (3,836,500 under 'A', plus Vichy France) and Korherr Report (50% of 9,494,368, minus non-occupied Europe) the number of 4.5 million Jews under Nazi rule in Europe was not reached.
It i
were actually be paid? The German government remains in spasmodic silence about this. You can guess why. It is certainly no exaggeration – as many believe – that this was at least 4 to 4.5 million. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu claims for 5 million Holocaust survivors the 'right' of compensation from Germany ....

With such huge numbers of applications from Jewish survivors, a "Six Million Holocaust" is of course impossible.
This again proves the falsity of the propaganda of 'Six Million'.
7. Retro calculation of survivors 1945 based on the number of living survivors in 2004.
Mathematically, the number of Jewish survivors in 1945 was in any case more than 3 million.
An Israeli government report argues that early 2004, 58.5 years later, 1.092 million Holocaust Survivors were alive (New York Times, April 21, 2005), including 687,900 from occupied Europe.
If survivors in '45 were of all ages, with an average life expectancy of 75 years, then 58.5 years later, in 2004, 58.5 / 75th of has died with a number of 16.5 / 75th survivors in 2004, which is 75/16, 5 x 687,900 =3,127,000 surviving Jews in 1945 in Europe.

Statistician Dr. Nordling earlier calculated on figures from the Israeli Survivors Organization AMCHA 1997, taking into account a standard deviation of 15% and maximization of uncertain factors, this number as"slightly more than 3 million".
This too ignores the fact that average life expectancy in 1945 was not 75 but 67 years and for Eastern Europe even 57 years; if this is taken into account, the number of survivors in 1945 may be taken several millionshigher.
Because of that, and the fact that many Jews in 2004 were assimilated and/or no longer interested to be counted as Jewish, 5 to 6 million survivors in 1945 is more than just possible.

1. Between 1931 and 1939 the number of Jews in Poland reduced with 480,900 (15.4%) due to Jewish emigration and high excess mortality, to 2,633,000.
2. Of these, 1,026,000 were in Soviet-occupied Poland, so theoretically 1,607,000 remained under German government.
3. Hundreds of thousands fled to Soviet territory right away (among them the late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin), while the Germans also expelled large groups of Jews over the border. West German, Zionist, American and Polish sources leave no doubt that after the German occupation, only 757,000 Jews came under German administration (Sanning, p. 39 ff).
In Germany 1939 were in 240,000 Jews, in Austria 191,408, in Czechoslovakia 356,830 and in Danzig 10,448. This makes the number of Jews under German rule inclusive occupied half of Poland 1,555,686. Three years later, in 1942, caused by emigration, flight and other causes according to Sanning’s Jewish sources there were in Germany 164,000 Jews, 50,000 in Austria, 255,000 in Czechoslovakia and about 10,000 in Danzig, total 479,000, which reduced the factual number of Jews under German government in 1942 nearly 320,000 to 1,236,448.
An earlier war phase brought Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France under German hegemony, where according to Jewish statements were 466,911 Jews. The factual number of Jews under German administration in 1941 became by that 1,703,359.
With the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Eastern Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and part of European Russia came under German rule. We reckon all 252,907 Jews from the Baltic States, notwithstanding indications that many managed to escape or were killed by local militias and retreating Soviets.
In Eastern Poland, Belarus and Ukraine less than 1 million Jews were present during the German advance of 1941. Of the original Jewish population there were large numbers (Sanning 1,550,000) deliberately or otherwise transferred Eastward by the Soviets. This totals the number of Jews under German regime at2,956,266.
After the invasion of the Soviet Union ("Barbarossa") according to Sanning 80% of all Jews in the Russian front theatre were evacuated by the Soviets, so those never came into contact with German troops.

In December 1942 Soviet Communist David Bergelson, Zionist propagandist and secretary of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committees in Moscow, wrote (Sanning, p. 114):

"The evacuation saved the vast majority of Jews from Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia. According to information from Vitebsk, Riga and other cities occupied by the fascists, there were only a few Jews when the Germans arrived. Thus a large part of the Polish and Baltic Jews was absorbed by the USSR. "
By shifting of the front deeper into Russian areas with many Jews, there was the Stalin Ukase of "scorched earth": significant groups fled further Eastward and many Jews were inclined in the Moscow-organized partisan army. The remaining number of Jews effectively under German rule varies by source, but according to Sanning was less than 1 million.
Adding up all other countries under German rule (Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, according to Sanning’s Jewish sources total 1,047,400 Jews, the overall number of Jews under German regime derived from the American Jewish Committee and the Statistical Bureau of the Jewish Synagogue Council of America totals 4,003,666, barely 4 million.

The 'standardwork' by Wolfgang Benz, director of the German Office for Combating Anti-Semitism, whose numbers of Jewish victims one can be sure of not to be ‘antisemitic’, is not surprisingly ‘5.2 to 6 million murdered Jews’. The book appeared in 1991, eight years after Sanning, although Sanning was not mentioned in it and none of his detailed figures was overturned. Benz's book is full of double counting, false assumptions, errors and ‘mistakes’; so he called all 1939 Jews who in 1946 were not registered at their hometowns, "killed by the Nazis” and conceals 700,000 expatriate Polish Jews since 1931. In a sublime comparison of Sanning's work with Benz by revisionist Germar Rudolf, the Benz 'book is rightfully refuted as fraudulent. For those interested: Holocaust Victims: A Statistical Analysis. W. Benz and WN Sanning - A Comparison. (Published in:Dissecting the Holocaust, The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Holocaust', Holocaust Handbook Series, p. 181. Theses & Dissertations Press, PO Box 257768, Chicago, IL 60625, USA. ISBN 0-9679856-2-5. downloads of this and other revisionist works on Free_Downloads_from_VHO ).

Professor Sanning used Jewish sources only, because he considered Nazi sources (Wannsee Protokoll andKorherr Report) being (too) inaccurate and unreliable.
Nevertheless, even these too high estimations of the Nazi Wannsee Protokoll (3,836,500 under 'A', plus Vichy France) and Korherr Report (50% of 9,494,368, minus non-occupied Europe) the number of 4.5 million Jews under Nazi rule in Europe was not reached.
It i
were actually be paid? The German government remains in spasmodic silence about this. You can guess why. It is certainly no exaggeration – as many believe – that this was at least 4 to 4.5 million. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu claims for 5 million Holocaust survivors the 'right' of compensation from Germany ....

With such huge numbers of applications from Jewish survivors, a "Six Million Holocaust" is of course impossible.
This again proves the falsity of the propaganda of 'Six Million'.
7. Retro calculation of survivors 1945 based on the number of living survivors in 2004.
the number of Jewish survivors in 1945 was in any case more than 3 million.
An Israeli government report argues that early 2004, 58.5 years later, 1.092 million Holocaust Survivors were alive (New York Times, April 21, 2005), including 687,900 from occupied Europe.
If survivors in '45 were of all ages, with an average life expectancy of 75 years, then 58.5 years later, in 2004, 58.5 / 75th of has died with a number of 16.5 / 75th survivors in 2004, which is 75/16, 5 x 687,900 =3,127,000 surviving Jews in 1945 in Europe.

Statistician Dr. Nordling earlier calculated on figures from the Israeli Survivors Organization AMCHA 1997, taking into account a standard deviation of 15% and maximization of uncertain factors, this number as"slightly more than 3 million".
This too ignores the fact that average life expectancy in 1945 was not 75 but 67 years and for Eastern Europe even 57 years; if this is taken into account, the number of survivors in 1945 may be taken several millionshigher.
Because of that, and the fact that many Jews in 2004 were assimilated and/or no longer interested to be counted as Jewish, 5 to 6 million survivors in 1945 is more than just possible.

We get it, you completely repdudited the holocaust...
1. Between 1931 and 1939 the number of Jews in Poland reduced with 480,900 (15.4%) due to Jewish emigration and high excess mortality, to 2,633,000.
2. Of these, 1,026,000 were in Soviet-occupied Poland, so theoretically 1,607,000 remained under German government.
3. Hundreds of thousands fled to Soviet territory right away (among them the late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin), while the Germans also expelled large groups of Jews over the border. West German, Zionist, American and Polish sources leave no doubt that after the German occupation, only 757,000 Jews came under German administration (Sanning, p. 39 ff).
In Germany 1939 were in 240,000 Jews, in Austria 191,408, in Czechoslovakia 356,830 and in Danzig 10,448. This makes the number of Jews under German rule inclusive occupied half of Poland 1,555,686. Three years later, in 1942, caused by emigration, flight and other causes according to Sanning’s Jewish sources there were in Germany 164,000 Jews, 50,000 in Austria, 255,000 in Czechoslovakia and about 10,000 in Danzig, total 479,000, which reduced the factual number of Jews under German government in 1942 nearly 320,000 to 1,236,448.
An earlier war phase brought Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France under German hegemony, where according to Jewish statements were 466,911 Jews. The factual number of Jews under German administration in 1941 became by that 1,703,359.
With the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Eastern Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and part of European Russia came under German rule. We reckon all 252,907 Jews from the Baltic States, notwithstanding indications that many managed to escape or were killed by local militias and retreating Soviets.
In Eastern Poland, Belarus and Ukraine less than 1 million Jews were present during the German advance of 1941. Of the original Jewish population there were large numbers (Sanning 1,550,000) deliberately or otherwise transferred Eastward by the Soviets. This totals the number of Jews under German regime at2,956,266.
After the invasion of the Soviet Union ("Barbarossa") according to Sanning 80% of all Jews in the Russian front theatre were evacuated by the Soviets, so those never came into contact with German troops.

In December 1942 Soviet Communist David Bergelson, Zionist propagandist and secretary of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committees in Moscow, wrote (Sanning, p. 114):

"The evacuation saved the vast majority of Jews from Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia. According to information from Vitebsk, Riga and other cities occupied by the fascists, there were only a few Jews when the Germans arrived. Thus a large part of the Polish and Baltic Jews was absorbed by the USSR. "
By shifting of the front deeper into Russian areas with many Jews, there was the Stalin Ukase of "scorched earth": significant groups fled further Eastward and many Jews were inclined in the Moscow-organized partisan army. The remaining number of Jews effectively under German rule varies by source, but according to Sanning was less than 1 million.
Adding up all other countries under German rule (Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, according to Sanning’s Jewish sources total 1,047,400 Jews, the overall number of Jews under German regime derived from the American Jewish Committee and the Statistical Bureau of the Jewish Synagogue Council of America totals 4,003,666, barely 4 million.

The 'standardwork' by Wolfgang Benz, director of the German Office for Combating Anti-Semitism, whose numbers of Jewish victims one can be sure of not to be ‘antisemitic’, is not surprisingly ‘5.2 to 6 million murdered Jews’. The book appeared in 1991, eight years after Sanning, although Sanning was not mentioned in it and none of his detailed figures was overturned. Benz's book is full of double counting, false assumptions, errors and ‘mistakes’; so he called all 1939 Jews who in 1946 were not registered at their hometowns, "killed by the Nazis” and conceals 700,000 expatriate Polish Jews since 1931. In a sublime comparison of Sanning's work with Benz by revisionist Germar Rudolf, the Benz 'book is rightfully refuted as fraudulent. For those interested: Holocaust Victims: A Statistical Analysis. W. Benz and WN Sanning - A Comparison. (Published in:Dissecting the Holocaust, The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Holocaust', Holocaust Handbook Series, p. 181. Theses & Dissertations Press, PO Box 257768, Chicago, IL 60625, USA. ISBN 0-9679856-2-5. downloads of this and other revisionist works on Free_Downloads_from_VHO ).

Professor Sanning used Jewish sources only, because he considered Nazi sources (Wannsee Protokoll andKorherr Report) being (too) inaccurate and unreliable.
Nevertheless, even these too high estimations of the Nazi Wannsee Protokoll (3,836,500 under 'A', plus Vichy France) and Korherr Report (50% of 9,494,368, minus non-occupied Europe) the number of 4.5 million Jews under Nazi rule in Europe was not reached.
It i
were actually be paid? The German government remains in spasmodic silence about this. You can guess why. It is certainly no exaggeration – as many believe – that this was at least 4 to 4.5 million. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu claims for 5 million Holocaust survivors the 'right' of compensation from Germany ....

With such huge numbers of applications from Jewish survivors, a "Six Million Holocaust" is of course impossible.
This again proves the falsity of the propaganda of 'Six Million'.
7. Retro calculation of survivors 1945 based on the number of living survivors in 2004.
the number of Jewish survivors in 1945 was in any case more than 3 million.
An Israeli government report argues that early 2004, 58.5 years later, 1.092 million Holocaust Survivors were alive (New York Times, April 21, 2005), including 687,900 from occupied Europe.
If survivors in '45 were of all ages, with an average life expectancy of 75 years, then 58.5 years later, in 2004, 58.5 / 75th of has died with a number of 16.5 / 75th survivors in 2004, which is 75/16, 5 x 687,900 =3,127,000 surviving Jews in 1945 in Europe.

Statistician Dr. Nordling earlier calculated on figures from the Israeli Survivors Organization AMCHA 1997, taking into account a standard deviation of 15% and maximization of uncertain factors, this number as"slightly more than 3 million".
This too ignores the fact that average life expectancy in 1945 was not 75 but 67 years and for Eastern Europe even 57 years; if this is taken into account, the number of survivors in 1945 may be taken several millionshigher.
Because of that, and the fact that many Jews in 2004 were assimilated and/or no longer interested to be counted as Jewish, 5 to 6 million survivors in 1945 is more than just possible.


did you know that approximately 6 million jews died in the holocaust?
Then you can call me a dumb ass until then you're just insulting me without really saying anything at all. Your fascination with my simple typo shows how simple minded you are.