The growing threat of right wing terrorism

Why, because I used your own statistics to point out that blacks are way more violent than whites. They are also more athletic...and hve an average IQ of 85, that does not mean there is not genius blacks, the gifted 10% was written by a black man, after all.
Oh, Hitler murdered some Jews I do not "repdudite" (lol) the Holocaust, just the story how it is told and the death count number, but that is hardly an important issue to me.
My original point in even bringing Hitler up guys was to prove that Obama's administration is socialist and so was Nazi Germany. So if Obama is Left then Nazi-Germany was left; with a figurehead of the state. I was just running parallels between Nazi Germany and America today. I think all this rampant liberalism will decay into another totalitarian fascist regime.
Why, because I used your own statistics to point out that blacks are way more violent than whites. They are also more athletic...and hve an average IQ of 85, that does not mean there is not genius blacks, the gifted 10% was written by a black man, after all.

so what is it about excess melanin that causes someone to be more violent? what is the causal mechanism?
Why, because I used your own statistics to point out that blacks are way more violent than whites. They are also more athletic...and hve an average IQ of 85, that does not mean there is not genius blacks, the gifted 10% was written by a black man, after all.
Is there some kind of obstruction in your head that blocks information that doesn't jive with your views?

All of these talking points have been repdudited in this thread.
Obama's administration is socialist

My original point in even bringing Hitler up guys was to prove that Obama's administration is socialist and so was Nazi Germany. So if Obama is Left then Nazi-Germany was left; with a figurehead of the state. I was just running parallels between Nazi Germany and America today. I think all this rampant liberalism will decay into another totalitarian fascist regime.
the national socialist worker's party wasn't socialist and neither is Obama.

Privatization is a capitalist thing breh.
Obama has nationalized healthcare and education that is pretty socialist, but this was done with non-profit organizations owned by corporations, we actually live in a coporate fascist state, which is what nazi germany really was. Didn't expect anyone to know that much here, but I agree with you on that.
Socialism and Communism are capitalism disguised. agreed.

Socialism is the opposite of capitalism. A bunch of capitalist and fascist politicians have called themselves socialist because people fucking love socialism, but that's what politicians do, they lie.

First, get a dictionary and look up capitalism, then, once you understand the following phrase: "private ownership of economic infrastructure and resources", compare it with all these things that you describe with what ever word you arbitrarily use. You might just find that you're slightly less of a dumb ass.

Socialism is the opposite of capitalism. A bunch of capitalist and fascist politicians have called themselves socialist because people fucking love socialism, but that's what politicians do, they lie.

First, get a dictionary and look up capitalism, then, once you understand the following phrase: "private ownership of economic infrastructure and resources", compare it with all these things that you describe with what ever word you arbitrarily use. You might just find that you're slightly less of a dumb ass.

You are wrong, socialism has private ownership but the government controls coporations through regulations. Basically the government bullies corporations. Like what Obama has done with Healthcare Providers and Insurance companies. Capitalism is complete private ownership without the excessive government oversight. Communism is when the state assumes all ownership, in socialism there is still corporations.
Obama has nationalized healthcare
You mean when the Affordable Care Act made it mandatory to purchase private insurance?

education that is pretty socialist
How so? What is socialist about it?
this was done with non-profit organizations owned by corporations
Slow down, lay off the meth. If you can relax for a few minutes, I can nit pick your nonsense and educate you.
we actually live in a coporate fascist state, which is what nazi germany really was. Didn't expect anyone to know that much here, but I agree with you on that.
No, fascism has several key characteristics which our gov't doesn't satisfy. However, let's stick with understanding of the words we're using first.

Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization. Socialism means something completely different which I will explain in my next post. Please know what words mean before using them.