What to do with big harvests...


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing some great harvest pics here, and I know some of those are for personal consumption.

How do you guys store the harvest so it keeps potency through the off-season?

A friend of mine keeps his in the freezer, but I'm not sure this does anything.

I thought of getting a vaccuum sealer, but I don't know if this would kelp.


Well-Known Member
i use glass jars with seal clamp lids. then i bury it deep in the back of the closet. it stays back there for 6 months at the most. then it gets replaced.


Well-Known Member
Ok...so how long does the stuff hold its potency? And what erodes it? If it is air, then would a vaccuum packer extend the life indefinitley, or for a long time?


Well-Known Member
fdd...I finally took a good look at your avatar. Where do I get a big one of those for my computer screen?!!?


Well-Known Member
it should hold it's potency for years if stored properly.
air, light, heat. these are some of the things that will degrade it.
if it is stored in a sealed jar i wouldn't worry about vacuum sealing.


Well-Known Member
it should hold it's potency for years if stored properly.
air, light, heat. these are some of the things that will degrade it.
if it is stored in a sealed jar i wouldn't worry about vacuum sealing.
Then why do you replace it after 6 months?