UK vs USA Seedbanks

SeedVaultofCalifornia. I havent tried them, there is a thread on GC. Tons of Bodhi on their list and good price on Greenpoint

HempDepot Have used them many times, reliable

Singleseedcentre, great option if you are just starting out and want to sample a lot of varieties. Have used them many times and they have been reliable.
I've done 11 orders with attitude and all have arrived with in 7 days. So my experience with them is fantastic.
I've done 11 orders with attitude and all have arrived with in 7 days. So my experience with them is fantastic.
How long into the future do you believe they honor the guaranteed shipping (If a pkg has been lost)? Is there a length on guarantee, or is it an indefinite period, to get around to your re-order?
How long into the future do you believe they honor the guaranteed shipping (If a pkg has been lost)? Is there a length on guarantee, or is it an indefinite period, to get around to your re-order?

I'm pretty sure if your package is lost in transit or never received and you paid for the guaranteed shipping. ( That you have to sign for on delivery.) The tude will keep sending it out at no extra cost until you get it
I am a little skeptical of us seeds banks. I have used ngr before. I just worry what if the feds kick there door in and get all there paper work etc and attempt to start going after the ones that have ordered. In murica
I am a little skeptical of us seeds banks. I have used ngr before. I just worry what if the feds kick there door in and get all there paper work etc and attempt to start going after the ones that have ordered. In murica

I cant remember who said it already on RIU but if the feds ever kick in the door and get the file's they'll go after distributors not the buyers. They work up the ladder, not down. They'll try to cut the head off the snake so to speak. The feds will try and stop the importing of seeds before wasting thousands of man hours chasing each individual buyer.
I cant remember who said it already on RIU but if the feds ever kick in the door and get the file's they'll go after distributors not the buyers. They work up the ladder, not down. They'll try to cut the head off the snake so to speak. The feds will try and stop the importing of seeds before wasting thousands of man hours chasing each individual buyer.
Agree but they will have addresses city state etc. To make it a lot easier. But still deliver to an abandoned home
Agree but they will have addresses city state etc. To make it a lot easier. But still deliver to an abandoned home

I get my orders delivered to my house. I know a few people who get it delivered to there friends place. How do you know when it's delivered to an abandoned house I know tracking works but in like the hour its there in the mail box or on the porch what if someone walks by and nicks ya package, well that's the end of that chapter. Bean banks won't replace and order lost like that.
I get my orders delivered to my house. I know a few people who get it delivered to there friends place. How do you know when it's delivered to an abandoned house I know tracking works but in like the hour its there in the mail box or on the porch what if someone walks by and nicks ya package, well that's the end of that chapter. Bean banks won't replace and order lost like that.
My wifes parents home has an abandoned house next to them.
i used marc emry seeds back in the day, always got seeds.. ordered from kind seed once and never recieved the seeds wile my friend recieved the seeds he also had the cops at the door..that was years ago tho.. about 2 yrs ago i started hording again and had great service and dependability with midweeksong, a relitivly new place but best costomer service ive ever seen.. im a legal caregiver but after everything growing legally is basicly non profit.. many of the growers i know are illegal for that reason alone,,MONEY! since the U.S. has gone medical the cost of weed has dropped big time, what used to be 400 an ounce is now half that price.. improving the lives of my patients is a good feeling, but doesnt pay the bills.. so if you dont enjoy growing, if u dont have a need to grow, its just not worth it..i do it because i love it, my plants are the only things that hear all my problems,maybe im crazy? i talk to my plants more than i talk to people, they listen,dont talk back, and to be honest i feel the more time i spend with them the better my yields will be..
im happy i found riu, but really it couldnt be hard for police to put a name and address to each of our riu surprised all of us with journals here on riu dont have our doors being kicked in or at least those of us in the U.S.A. I MEAN WE ARE LITERALLY SHOWING OFF OUR GROWS HERE,,im sure each of us could be known with just a few clicks...
i used marc emry seeds back in the day, always got seeds.. ordered from kind seed once and never recieved the seeds wile my friend recieved the seeds he also had the cops at the door..that was years ago tho.. about 2 yrs ago i started hording again and had great service and dependability with midweeksong, a relitivly new place but best costomer service ive ever seen.. im a legal caregiver but after everything growing legally is basicly non profit.. many of the growers i know are illegal for that reason alone,,MONEY! since the U.S. has gone medical the cost of weed has dropped big time, what used to be 400 an ounce is now half that price.. improving the lives of my patients is a good feeling, but doesnt pay the bills.. so if you dont enjoy growing, if u dont have a need to grow, its just not worth it..i do it because i love it, my plants are the only things that hear all my problems,maybe im crazy? i talk to my plants more than i talk to people, they listen,dont talk back, and to be honest i feel the more time i spend with them the better my yields will be..

I think we all talk to our plants a little bit. The more you talk to them the better the yield. Coz your slightly increasing the ppm of co2 in the air.
im happy i found riu, but really it couldnt be hard for police to put a name and address to each of our riu surprised all of us with journals here on riu dont have our doors being kicked in or at least those of us in the U.S.A. I MEAN WE ARE LITERALLY SHOWING OFF OUR GROWS HERE,,im sure each of us could be known with just a few clicks...
Its like supply and demand. The police need growers to grow so then they can bust the buyers and smokers and in turn get money from the government to fund there police station for further investigations. Every now and then they'll bust a grower to make it seem like there cleaning up the streets and yada yada. But they can't and won't bust all the growers coz they'll lose funding to fight the war on drugs. And then they'll have to go after real criminals and hard drug dealers. The one dabbling in heroin and x and coke. The cops use the jungle metaphor. Like if it's you and me and a tiger I don't have to outrun the tiger I only have to outrun you. The cop is the tiger, I'm the grower and your the smoker or the buyer. They will make the easiest bust, the weed buyer and once in a blue moon a grower. But they never really go after the big dogs. But to the point I'm trying to make there are so many members on RIU they would have to work out who the american members are then try and set up a task force just for this. They'll stick to anonymous tip offs for growers and catch the smokers and buyers the old fashion way. Smelling out the dank.
Its like supply and demand. The police need growers to grow so then they can bust the buyers and smokers and in turn get money from the government to fund there police station for further investigations. Every now and then they'll bust a grower to make it seem like there cleaning up the streets and yada yada. But they can't and won't bust all the growers coz they'll lose funding to fight the war on drugs. And then they'll have to go after real criminals and hard drug dealers. The one dabbling in heroin and x and coke. The cops use the jungle metaphor. Like if it's you and me and a tiger I don't have to outrun the tiger I only have to outrun you. The cop is the tiger, I'm the grower and your the smoker or the buyer. They will make the easiest bust, the weed buyer and once in a blue moon a grower. But they never really go after the big dogs. But to the point I'm trying to make there are so many members on RIU they would have to work out who the american members are then try and set up a task force just for this. They'll stick to anonymous tip offs for growers and catch the smokers and buyers the old fashion way. Smelling out the dank.
i truly hope thats the case... i just worry our time here may be limited.. i mean in reality even though im a legAl care giver in my state, the federal laws supersede state laws, and every now and then you here of poor old people with cancer and small grows getting arrested or the dispenceries being cleaned out by the feds...