What to add to 8 cxb 3590 cobs?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys

I'm planning to built a new lamp for a 80x80cm tent, thinking in 8 cxb3590 36v 3500k at 700ma with 185h 700b driver so I want to add some 660 reds or maybe some 3000-4000k monos. I want to up the intensity a bit to around 900-950 ppfd using the same driver!

Thx in advice guys!
Off the top of my head, and assuming you might have to add a buck or boost driver to the mix to get some of these answers to work, I would say add more COBs with lenses or reflectors to your grow area. Adding more light to your lamp design means more cooling, which is $$$, and could mean lower performance from any cooling problems.

Also Illumitex F1s make nice add-on lighting because of their tight beam angles but 700mA is too much for them. Some of the OSRAMs have I believe 80° beam angles and that would make them excellent 660nm add-ons and are sized right to add on to a lamp.

I'm pretty sure MeanWell has produced some new high voltage drivers, I think they're all 120+ volts and that might solve your problem of getting to a one driver solution.
I think I have almost 17w and 28v to power something with that driver I'm looking for a little more punch! I don't want to add another driver.
My point is not the spectrum Im going to use 3500k I just want to add some monos to use all the power of the driver and get max intensity for my tent, 8 cxb3590 is like 183w and 870-880 ppfd, so the question is 660 monos or 3500k monos and which ones
a few 660 deep reds and optionally a few royal blues.
maybe a ratio of 3 deep reds to 1 royal blue, depending on what spectrum you want.

the luxeon royal blues are killer efficiency! a little supplemental goes a long ways.

since your running at 700ma the deep reds and the royal blues will work fine on the same string
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There are some COBs that run at 18v - some of the Bridgelux RS Array cobs or Cree CXA1512 might work to add some extra light and max out the drivers. Not as efficient as CXB3590s, but monos aren't always efficient either unless you can source some decent bins.


There may be better 18v options out there now, I haven't researched these in a couple months and the tech changes almost weekly. If you are set on 3v LEDs I think the XM-L2 from Cree look decent:

Or do some reds and blues like Purple noted. I added some royal blues to supplement my Vero 29 3000k light, but your 3500k CXBs should be pretty good on their own.
My point is not the spectrum Im going to use 3500k I just want to add some monos to use all the power of the driver and get max intensity for my tent, 8 cxb3590 is like 183w and 870-880 ppfd, so the question is 660 monos or 3500k monos and which ones
I think you want to leave your driver some headroom and 8 COBs is a lot for that space anyway. But I don't know shit, ask anyone. Have fun over-engineering your DIY. Seriously, do have fun with it, sounds neato.
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Use 4000k and add nothing, that will be plenty.
Don't overcomplicate it, you'll grow überdänk with that.
Two umlauts, motherfuckers, two.

Good luck finding 4000k 3590's..... (and if you do, message me)

You can add some 660nm emitters, most are about ~2Vf @700ma so it should work nicely. I'm planning on doing something similar with my indoor berry patch to add some red to blue heavy 4000k emitters (yes I found 6 4000k 3590's at one point :P)
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8 4000k and some reds sound kick ass too but what a price! For the 4000k...

What about this red seems to be 650-670 http://shop.stevesleds.com/Philips-Luxeon-ES-Deep-Red-3-Watt-LEDs-RARE-Version-8794102435.htm
Can't really say offhand but Philips is known more for their blues than reds. ~90° help but they max out at 700mA so cooling will be a big priority for you, especially if you don't buck them to 600mA. Mono's radiometric output suffer greatly when cooling is less than optimal so I think you're too close to their max mA for them to be good, though their output seems kosher. CREEs or OSRAMs 660-670s are a bit better for you IMO because they can both handle higher mA. I think :p. Sorry, don't have the time to check but I'm pretty sure both do 1000mA at least.

Hard to choke down that price when jerry has top bin 3500k emitters for under $50... but good to know they exsist somewhere
Yeah eff Mouser. But if you call, you may get a sympathetic ear. Just tell them you can get them at a better price and ask if they could be more competitive. With their prices they must want to only do business with the Fortune 500s of the world :roll: but sometimes with these companies you never know when some manager needs to dump some stock so you may get lucky.
My point is not the spectrum Im going to use 3500k I just want to add some monos to use all the power of the driver and get max intensity for my tent, 8 cxb3590 is like 183w and 870-880 ppfd, so the question is 660 monos or 3500k monos and which ones

you might want to check your numbers, 8 x 36V == 288,

the hlg-185h-c700b voltage range === 143V - 286v

seems like your out of space already.
There are some COBs that run at 18v - some of the Bridgelux RS Array cobs or Cree CXA1512 might work to add some extra light and max out the drivers. Not as efficient as CXB3590s, but monos aren't always efficient either unless you can source some decent bins.


There may be better 18v options out there now, I haven't researched these in a couple months and the tech changes almost weekly. If you are set on 3v LEDs I think the XM-L2 from Cree look decent:

Or do some reds and blues like Purple noted. I added some royal blues to supplement my Vero 29 3000k light, but your 3500k CXBs should be pretty good on their own.
Good monos will be way more efficient. I'd go for 660nm Cree photo red w/o blue.